
[POV Arius!] 

When I got to the back of the school building, however, no one was in sight.

Is she teasing me? No, that wasn't how Annika was thinking at the time. Maybe she was just late or something.

The back of the Royal Academy building is quiet and devoid of people. If men were allowed here, they would definitely hang out in these places, but as expected of a school for noble ladies, this kind of thing probably doesn't happen for them.


I heard a rustling sound from behind and, as expected, saw Annica there.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, teacher."

(Fufu, actually, I've been waiting for you for a long time, and this rushing to you while pretending to be late is a part of my strategy.)

For a haughty noble lady, you are doing quite a lot of nonsense. Oh well. I guess I'll just go on with the flow and taste this girl's body soon.

"So, what is it about wind magic that you are having trouble with?"