Boring Class.

Today, the class is going on as usual.

"Now then, please open page 50 of your respective grimoires. Today we are going to do..."

It was the same, boring lecture that I have done on and on since I was a child.

"Wow, it glowed!"

"It's is exactly as what my sister said."

After the discussion, the teacher standing in front of the lectern drew a magic circle in the air.

And as usual, the classmates around me were fascinated upon seeing it.

I wondered what magic academy would the Royal Academy be like, but to think it was only this much.

My name is Amelia. I'm a scholarship student.

"Fuuh...I wonder when will they make us do something else, like something more practical, maybe?"

  I've only been studying on my own during class for a while now.

What our teacher is lecturing now is how to write magic formulas and circles. The most basic ones, to be exact.