Can't Get Enough? 2 R18

I got up from my chair and reached for Amelia, causing the latter to drop to her knees.

"Now then, it's time for what you've been waiting for."

"Uh, un."

I took her to the bed as it is and pushed her body down, a movement I have been doing ever since I awakened my disposition.

The bed is smaller than the one we usually use in the headmaster's office, but it's already enough for the two of us.

Right now, a naked Amelia is lying on her back, exposing everything just beneath me.

However, she had her breasts and secret parts covered with her hands and arms.

"D-don't look at it so much."

"But seeing you naked makes me feel even better. Do you really want to eliminate your libido or not?"

"Okay, okay."

  It seems that Amelia was still embarrassed even with her libido about to burst out. But with a little urge, she obediently took off her hands.