Liesl and the Test in Progress 3

"Stop it! If we make any more noise, they'll find us for real!"

"Well, I suppose you're right."

"Of course I am right. No matter how mighty your spell is, with this many witnesses, it would be..."

Even after her climax, Liesl still tried her best to stop me, always assuming the worst-case scenario.

And as what you expect of a knight-wannabe, she kept babbling about the consequences. They were decent ideas, yes, no matter how I hate to say it, but there's one thing that is still making me deny everything she had said.

And that is there a well-heated woman's body right in front of me.

Moreover, she has my kind of body and is really beautiful, making me not so kind as to put a lid on my desires in this situation.

How is it possible to cool down when there is already an existence in front that is enough to make my insides boil in hotness?