Chapter 21: At the End of the Chasm

Hailey’s POV

As I get closer, I notice how the screams of the Alphas, who are fighting each other, are getting louder and louder which creates a strong pressure in my chest. Owen, Sebastian and Patrick are doing their best to keep the situation contained, but part of me wonders how much longer they can do it without it all falling apart.

“Hailey!” Sabrina's voice reaches me then, through the crowd and as she approaches towards where I am. She doesn't wait for me to see her, but launches herself at me as she gives me a big hug, and as more and more people leave their homes and small establishments to see what is going on.

The confrontation that has been created by the widely scattered points of view has attracted the attention of all the packs, and now, in silence we watch as our destinies are decided in the midst of rivalries never seen before.