Chapter 18: The Pack


I watched as Oliver and his cousins exchanged worried glances. I cringed thinking about Whitman shooting one of them. And for a brief second, a sickening thought crept into my mind. What if THEY had something to do with the attacks? Oliver was a white wolf, but what about the others? The wolves that had bit Caroline were all grey. Maybe Jeremy, Lacey, Phoenix, and Michael were grey, and I had no idea. Would they attack innocent humans? It would be easy to pin the attacks on Astelle and her rogue wolves.

As I questioned this, I thought about the possibility of this being true. I did not have evidence that Oliver and his pack were "good" wolves. I barely knew anything about Oliver and his cousins. I also didn't know their back story. All I knew about them was that they were wolf-shifters and what little information Oliver had told me, which wasn't much. I thought about the genealogy book and remembered how names had been crossed out. I wonder how those wolves passed away.