Ben checked his watch. Nine o'clock, thirty minutes had passed since the last time he'd looked. At best, he'd be able to talk to Cori in an hour or so about Eli. Of course, that depended on how busy the restaurant was tonight. A Friday, in June, in this tourist town could mean a late night for her.
His cell phone buzzed. A message from Cori: Hey, we're super busy. Eli's not answering my texts. Can you see if he's home?
Ben peered out his kitchen window. Her house was completely dark. A glance at the street where Eli normally parked let him know the young man wasn't home. Upon further thought, he wondered why there were no lights on in her house because surely Holden should be home by now.
Sorry, he texted back, I don't see his car and your house is dark. Shouldn't Holden be home?
Holden is at a friend's house. Eli is supposed to pick him up at ten o'clock but in the meantime, he's supposed to be home. I'm at my wits' end with him.