
Chapter 37

I stared at the guy with a bruised face and just knew. He and his group of men and women ate their lunch in sullen silence. Somehow I'd missed them this morning, but I couldn't look away from them now.

"You think they were robbed too?" I asked Chance.

He nodded. "I heard them talking earlier about locking their door better," he said between bites of his biscuit.

I shuddered.

On my other side, Vanya followed my eyes. "Is that what happened to you guys?"

I nodded. "Yeah, some assholes broke in and robbed us."

She shook her head. "People are gross."

I snorted, and my body relaxed. "The grossest."

At the front of the room, Layla sat off on her own eating and casting the three of us nasty glares. We didn't care. Or at least I didn't. She could suck it. Chance and I were solid. I may not know what would happen when we went back to Brinklynn City, but for now, nothing was coming between us.