
Chapter 38

The storm was still going strong the next day. After lunch, Chance and I volunteered to shovel snow. I may hate the cold, but I might hate washing those trays even more. We bundled up in our winter gear, said goodbye to our friends, then headed for the side door and the shovels waiting for us there.

When I went to open the door, Chance had to brace me as the wind tried to shove me backward. Once we were fully out, the door slammed shut behind us, and my eyes widened.

The walls on either side of the path were now well above my head, and above that, the gray sky was still dumping snow. The snow was blowing sideways, but that was better than around and around like the last storm.

With a sigh, I started shoveling, and Chance did, too. Again, I almost regretted overdressing as sweat started dripping down my spine. Almost. We started working our way toward the parking lot, and by the time we'd cleared a few feet, I was huffing and puffing.