Chapter 1 Super Refit System


Harry Bart stabbed a knife into the eye of a zombie in front of him, stirred it fiercely, and then pulled it out, blood and flesh splashing.

The zombie fell to the ground, showing no sign of life.

He wiped the blood on his face and collapsed to the ground. It was the 100th zombie he had just killed.

At this time, he had run out of his strength, with a look of despair appearing in his eyes.

Somehow, he came to this strange world and city.

The most unlucky thing was that the zombie virus broke out.

In the following week, he fought with zombies every day and seldom slept.

At this time, he was already covered with scars, ragged clothes, and felt hungry.

Now, he wanted to give up. Zombies were all around him. He couldn't see any hope of survival.

Harry Bart pointed the sharp blade in his hand at his throat, trying to end his life.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in his mind.

"Ding! The number of zombies has reached 100, and the divine-level refit system is activated!"

"This system is the divine-level refit system. It can refit everything!"

System? Divine-level? Refit everything?

He stopped what he was doing.

"The system begins to bind!"

"Successfully bound! The attribute of the host is generated!"

Name: Harry Bart

Age: 20

Physical strength0

Strength: 0

Agility: 0

Endurance: 0

Token: 0

This... This property was too poor!

He looked at the clothes which were about to become strips of cloth and shook his head with a bitter smile.

His physical index had been reduced to the lowest. If a zombie appeared in front of him, he would have no strength to fight back.

"Since the host has completed the outstanding killing task, I will give you a bottle of functional drink as a gift! A refitting card of an armored car and a set of the advanced artificial intelligence program, which is specially used to answer host's questions!"

"Artificial intelligence?" Harry Bart asked in confusion.

Suddenly, an electronic voice came from his mind.

"Hello, host. I'm your exclusive artificial intelligence Alpha Dog. I have super hacker technology and can answer your questions."

Harry Bart was a little confused, "Alpha Dog? The name is so strange."

"How can I take out the things in the system?"

"You can use the mind to summon items," said the Alpha Dog.

Harry tried again, and as he expected, a can appeared in his hand all of a sudden.

He opened the can and drank it. Suddenly, he felt some changes in his body.

The wounds on his body recovered at a visible speed. He clenched his fists and felt that his strength had come back.

He opened the body attribute panel again.

Physical strength: 1

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Endurance: 1

Token: 0

All the properties had been restored.

"It turns out that my peak attribute is only 1." Harry shook his head with a bitter smile.

The change of his body made him extremely comfortable.

"Ah! That's great!" Harry couldn't help but groan.

He praised in his heart that with the system, he was confident to live on.

In this city without laws, strength was the ability to survive.

And he had such strength!

In this battlefield between people and people, people and zombies, confidence was the source of survival.

And he had such confidence!

The sharp blade in his hand was thrown directly to the side.

"Suicide? Humph! I won't do it again!"


Suddenly, the roar of zombies came.

He sat up and looked around.

He found that a large number of zombies had gathered nearby!

Perhaps zombies had heard the noise and rushed here.


"Shit!" Harry cursed in his heart. He couldn't deal with so many zombies alone.

He had survived with several survivors in the previous week. Otherwise, he couldn't have lived two days on his own.

But as time went by, there were fewer and fewer survivors around him. Some of them were eaten up by zombies, and some were killed by their companions!

The partners who had just fought side by side might stab you in the next second because of the scramble for food!

Harry witnessed what had happened, but he could only stand by and watch.

Because it was difficult for him to protect himself. If he had not been young and strong enough to kill a few more zombies, he would have probably been abandoned by his companions.

He had to save his strength to protect himself.

Looking at the increasing number of zombies, Harry thought quickly.

He wanted to find a way to get out of danger. Now that he just got the system, he couldn't die so soon!

He looked around and found himself standing next to a scrapped car, badly hit.

"Don't I have a refitted car card? Try it on!"

Harry thought and a card appeared in his hand.

There were several words on the card: preliminary stage refit card for car

"How to use it?" Harry asked.

"Put the card on the car and it will be triggered," answered the Alpha Dog.

"Is it so simple?"

As zombies were getting closer and closer, the nearest one was only ten meters away from him!

Harry quickly put the card in the car. In an instant, the whole car emitted a dazzling light, and his eyes unconsciously narrowed.

When he opened his eyes, the old and shabby car had become a brand-new armored car!

System hint:

"BRDM2 armored vehicle with 4 × 4 driving, 7 tons of weight, 5.75 meters in length, 2.35 meters in width, and 2.31 meters in height. The highest speed could reach 100 kilometers per hour, and 10 kilometers per hour on the water."


"It is equipped with two machine guns of 14.5mm and 7.62mm and a missile launch tower."

"Awesome! Although the speed is not very high, an ordinary armored vehicle is only at this speed. It can still drive in the water, not bad," said Harry.

This armored car was very heavy with eight tires! On the right side of the car, there was an extra-long antenna! It looked like a big cockroach.

The two hatches were the only place for the armored car to get in and out.

Most importantly, Harry also saw two machine guns on the roof of the car! They could even shoot a missile!


"Roar!" A zombie suddenly appeared and opened its mouth to bite Harry.

Harry reacted quickly and kicked the zombie in the chest.

The zombie has kicked three meters away.

Harry climbed onto the roof in a hurry, opened the lid and jumped in, and locked the door to prevent zombies from opening the lid from the outside.

After entering the car, Harry sat directly in the driver's seat. After groping for a while, he was familiar with the arrangement in the car.

This car could accommodate four people, two in the front, and two in the back.

There was a shooting position in the middle, which could control the machine gun.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Outside the car, zombies kept patting the car. Through the window, many zombies were climbing into the car.

Harry could see the pores on the zombie's face. Fortunately, the armored car was strong enough and the glass was bulletproof.

The armored car was like a turtle shell, and these zombies couldn't get in at all.


Harry started the armored car and it roared.

He stepped hard on the accelerator and the armored car started.

Zombies in front of the car were instantly rolled under the wheels, and the sound of friction among zombies' flesh, bones, the ground, and wheels rose and fell.

This voice was creepy, but Harry didn't show any fear. What had happened this week had completely matured his mind.