Chapter 2 Be in Danger

His only goal now was to survive!

Harry pressed the accelerator to the bottom, and the armored car rushed out 200 meters at the highest speed, and then he slammed on the brake.

The zombies, which had just been lying on the roof of the car, were instantly thrown away by the huge inertia.

Before zombies got up, the armored car directly ran over them and their bodies were badly mutilated.

"Ha, that's great!" Harry exclaimed excitedly.

These days, he only had a dagger as his weapon, and it was extremely difficult for him to kill a zombie.

But now, the armored car galloped as if no one was around. The zombie, which blocked the way, had become a ghost under the wheels.

The system kept reminding and accumulating points.

"Kill a zombie, point +1"

"Kill a zombie, point +1"

"Kill a zombie"

"What do tokens do?" Harry asked.

The Alpha Dog replied, "Points can be exchanged for items in the system or modified items in the upgrade."

Harry nodded and opened the system shop. He was dazzled by a variety of things.

"Property strengthening drug?" Harry found something he needed.

"Property strengthening drug. The body property will be increased by 1 permanently!"

"It's good!" He looked at the price and it was fifty points.

"There are exactly fifty points!"

He had killed fifty zombies just now, what an efficiency! Then he immediately exchanged for a bottle of medicine.

Looking at the needle-like drug in his hand, Harry hesitated.

Injection? I'm afraid of injection the most!

He gritted his teeth and finally chose to use the medicine. As the needle went down, Harry felt a ball of fire burning in his body!

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for ten seconds, and Harry felt that his strength had increased again.

He opened the attribute panel:

Physical strength: 2

Strength: 2

Agility: 2

Endurance: 2

This property was much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Harry continued to drive the armored car to cash in every direction.

Some survivors nearby looked at the armored car with envy.

Half an hour passed.

Looking at the zombies in the rearview mirror, he felt a kind of indescribable comfort. After repressing for so many days, he finally released his emotions.

Suddenly, a sense of hunger busted out, and his stomach also began to growl.

"It's time to find something to eat. The universal system doesn't have food. Damn it!" He complained.

Harry hadn't eaten anything for nearly a day. He was living a life of anxiety all day long.

In addition to dealing with the attack of zombies, he had to be on guard against the attack of his companions all the time. Otherwise, he might be beheaded in the next second.

"Alpha, can you find any restaurant nearby?" He wanted to eat something first.

The artificial intelligence replied, "There are 11 restaurants nearby, but all of them have been robbed."

Harry cursed in his heart, "Where can I have a good meal?"

A few seconds later, the Alpha Dog said, "There is a large shopping mall nearby. It hasn't been robbed yet."

"Show me the map."

The next second, the map of the whole street appeared in front of him. On the map, there were two small dots, a red dot, and a green dot, respectively showing his location and destination.

After checking the position, Harry stepped on the accelerator and the armored car quickly drove to the supermarket.

There were many ownerless cars on the road. The owners of these cars either ran away or turned into zombies.

The armored car ignored these barriers and rushed over. The cars that blocked the way were crashed away, without affecting the armored car's advance at all.

"This armored car is great!"

The movement of the armored car naturally attracted the attention of many zombies, but the speed of zombies could only be heard from behind.

A few minutes later, Harry arrived at the gate of the supermarket.

Looking from the outside, the supermarket was not damaged.

But he didn't get out of the car directly. If there were zombies around, he would be in danger as soon as he got out of the car.

"Drive around." As soon as he turned the corner, he saw more than a dozen zombies strolling on the street.

"Did!" The zombie's attention was instantly attracted by the two honks.

Harry looked at zombies and rushed over.

"Kill a zombie, point +1"

"Kill a zombie, point+1"

"Kill a zombie..."

"Creak! Creak!"

Under the wheels of more than 10 zombies, all died!

He turned two circles and didn't stop until he was sure that all the zombies had been eliminated.

Then he got off the car quickly and rushed into the supermarket.

It was dangerous to stay outside for one minute, so he had to act quickly.

Clothes were hung on the first floor of the supermarket. He looked at these clothes and then looked at his ragged clothes.

He praised, "There are so many good clothes. I'll wear them first!"

Then he took out a suit and put it on.

Then he went straight to the second floor.

Indeed, the second floor was a place to sell food, but looking at the mess on the ground, Harry was a little stunned.

More than half of the food on the shelf was gone, and so was the ground, as if it had been robbed.

Needless to say, it was only human beings who robbed the supermarket. Zombies were not interested in these things.

Did someone come here?

"Don't move!" A man's voice came from behind, and then Harry felt a hard object against the back of his head.

Then one hand searched for something on him.

"Boss, nothing!"

It was not until the man behind him slowly walked up to Harry so that Harry saw him.

The man was about the same height as him, but he was strong with beards on his face.

With a pistol in his hand, he pointed it at Harry's head.

"Shit!" Harry cursed in his heart.

Then Harry said in a hurry, "Brother, calm down. It's very dangerous."

However, the man ignored him. He shot the gun forward and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Move forward!"

Threatened by the man with beards, Harry walked into a corner of the second floor.

He saw more than 10 people here, all of them were uninjured survivors.

They all crouched in the corner with heads in their hands, with fear on their faces.

There was also a guard beside them, who also had a pistol in his hand.

Including the body search, there were three people in total.

These three people had become the ruler of the supermarket.

The food in the supermarket was enough for the three of them to eat for a long time. They couldn't share it with others.

With a gun in their hands, they easily subdued everyone.

Harry frowned. He was still careless.

He was just on guard against zombies, but he didn't expect that there would be someone here.

The man with beards stood in front of Harry, still pointing a gun at him. "Is the car downstairs yours?"

Harry nodded.

He noticed that the man with beards should be the leader of the three.

It was obvious that they had noticed him wandering around the supermarket and waiting for him upstairs.