Chapter 3 A Heart Separated from Heart

The man reached out his hand and said, "Give me the key."

Harry shook his head and replied, "No."

"No?" The man asked doubtfully.

Harry didn't lie. He didn't have the key. After the car was modified, it could be started directly without the key.

"Damn it," the man loaded the pistol with a click, "I'll ask you again. Do you have it or not?"

As he spoke, the pistol was pointed at Harry's head again.


At this moment, a loud sound came from downstairs!

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the stairway unconsciously, including the man with beards.

The man who approached the stairway quickly opened the door and went downstairs to check.

At this moment, Harry suddenly launched an attack. He snatched the pistol and put it against the man's head.

Everyone was stunned by the sudden scene.

The strengthening drug had increased Harry's physical function a lot, so it was easy for him to deal with these people.

"Throw the gun here!" Harry ordered.

The two men didn't want to give in.

"Bang!" One of the men was directly shot in the head by Harry, and blood spurted onto his companion's face.

"Crack!" Another subordinate threw the gun on the ground in a hurry.

"Squat down!" Harry shouted.

The man with the beard and one of his followers were not convinced. But looking at the gun in Harry's hand, they had no choice but to listen to him.

They didn't want to die so early.

The people who had been threatened instantly turned around and the situation had completely changed.

"You can do whatever you want," Harry said to the crowd.

Hearing Harry's words, everyone stood up and rushed to the shelf as if they had got an amnesty.

They picked up the food and put it into their mouths. They looked very hungry.

"You will die!" the man with beards looked at Harry and said, "There is only so much food. If they eat up all the food, you will die."

Harry smiled, "That's none of your business."

The man snorted and stopped talking.

Harry asked a young man to bring him some food, then gave him a gun, and asked him to look at the two men.

When he was full, he planned to bring some food from here to the car.

After all, it was not safe here and zombies could find it at any time.

In his opinion, only the armored car was the safest.

When he was about to take action, he suddenly noticed that the people around looked at him with hostility.

These people had weapons like chairs and iron sticks in their hands.

All the people around him, including the young man before, slowly approached him.

He gave up guarding the man with beards and walked towards Harry with an evil intention.

Harry frowned. Although he didn't care about these people at all, he didn't want to kill them.

"Alas! Human heart!" He sighed.

Everyone was thinking about the armored vehicle.

The food here was limited and there were so many people. They would eat it up one day.

At that time, they could only leave here and look for the next living place.

But it was impossible to leave here safely. There were too many zombies.

Ordinary cars couldn't resist the attack of zombies at all, so these people had an idea of the armored car.

The young man said, "You just saved us. I don't want to make things difficult for you. Give me the key to the armored car."

"I just said that I don't have the key," Harry stared at him and said slowly.

The young man snorted coldly and loaded his pistol. "Then we'll kill you and look for it by ourselves."

At this moment, Harry suddenly made a move and instantly approached him.

How could the young man react?

Harry grabbed his pistol and twisted it aside. "Bang!" The pistol shot out.

"Ah!" A man was hit and fell to the ground.

Then he kicked the young man in the abdomen, and the man instantly lost the ability to move and fell to the ground, and the gun in his hand was thrown to the ground.

"Let's fight together, or we'll all die here!" Someone shouted and everyone rushed towards him.

Harry decisively took out his pistol from his waist. "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The pistol case had a capacity of seventeen bullets, and Harry's bullets were all fired.

Most of them were knocked down to the ground before they could reach him. The remaining three or four people were so scared that they trembled and the stick in their hands fell to the ground with a clang.

Seeing this, Harry didn't shoot again. When he turned around, he saw a man pointing a gun at him, his hand holding the gun trembling slightly.

Seeing this person, he cursed in his heart, "I am too careless!"

But the next second, with a bang, the man fainted directly, and a man with beards was exposed behind him.

With a baseball bat in his hand, he grinned at Harry.

But Harry didn't say anything. He raised his pistol and aimed it at the man.

"Bang!" There was a gunshot.

"Plop!" The man turned around and saw a zombie lying behind him, with blood gushing out of his forehead.

It seemed that the sound from downstairs was caused by the zombie. It went upstairs unconsciously!

"Thank you!" The man turned around and grinned.

"So do you!" Harry said.

Harry picked up the pistol and put it on his waist. There were not many bullets left.

It was an important tool to kill zombies. Harry opened the system and checked the price of the bullets. One point could be exchanged for twenty bullets.

So he spent five points in exchange for one hundred bullets.


Looking at the remaining points, they were all replaced with 14mm and 7.62mm bullets. There were a total of five hundred bullets in total.

Now, the two machine guns in the armored car could be used.

After that, Harry was about to leave.

When he just walked to the door, he suddenly turned around and said to the man with beards, "Do you want to go with me?"

Hearing this, the two men were stunned.

"I need two snipers!"

In Harry's opinion, it was much better to have a partner than to fight alone.

For example, if it weren't for the man with beards, the result would have been unimaginable.

The man stood out and didn't sit on the mountain watching the fight.

This made Harry feel that this person was not bad, so he suggested working together.

The man with beards was satisfied with the result. It was not safe to stay in the supermarket. He had left a deep impression on Harry when he saw him driving an armored car to crash into the zombies.

They thought that the armored vehicle was a safe mobile fortress, so they wanted to grab it, but they didn't expect that they would kick a hard leg.

The man agreed without hesitation.

The two shook hands and allied.

The man with beards said, "My name is James. This is Cook. You just killed Gary. We three just knew each other yesterday."

James said this to reassure Harry, indicating that the two of them would not return to revenge.

However, Harry didn't dare to relax his vigilance. He was worried about these two people.

Then the three men robbed the supermarket and didn't stop until the armored car couldn't be filled.