Chapter 4 Massacre Zombies

"Your car is so powerful? You can start it without a key?" James was surprised to see Harry get into the car and start the armored car directly.

Harry nodded and didn't want to say anything more.

The two of them stopped asking.

As the armored car was driving on the road, it attracted many zombies' attention.

Such a big noise made the James two tremble with fear.

However, Harry didn't change his face and rushed towards zombies. The obstruction caused by zombies was not worse than a wall.

Even if it was a wall, it would be smashed into pieces in the face of an armored car!

The two Sat in the car and watched Harry's rampage, they felt very itchy.

"Can this machine gun be used?" James asked.

Harry nodded and said, "There are 250 bullets in each machine gun. Save it!"

James was excited to hear that.

Although it was safe to sit in the car, it was suffocating him. He had long wanted to kill a few zombies to vent his anger!

So he sat in the gunner's seat and fumbled for a while.

"Da! Da!"

The machine gun suddenly busted out a roar, and the wall glass on the roadside was smashed by the machine gun.

"Damn it! That's great!" Although James didn't hit zombies, he still shouted excitedly!

"Da! Da!"

The machine gun kept firing, and zombies fell to the ground with the sound of the gun. Blood and flesh flew in all directions!

"Kill a zombie, point +1"

"Kill a zombie, point+1"

"Kill a zombie..."

Harry was stunned. How could he get points even if others killed zombies?

It seems that no matter who he is, as long as he uses the thing made by my system to kill zombies, I can get more points!

Suddenly, he had a bold idea in his heart. As long as this idea was realized, he would have endless points to use!

Thinking of this, he was so excited that he stepped hard on the gas.

The roar of the armored car with a machine gun echoed in the streets of the city, causing many survivors to lie and look through the window.

Cook couldn't help but feel lonely when he saw that James had a good fight.

After asking for Harry's permission, he also grabbed another machine gun and fired.

Within two minutes, five hundred bullets were used up.

"Why are there so few bullets? No, no!" James shouted.

Harry laughed and said, "Follow me. I promise you that the bullet will be enough every day!"

The three of them busted into laughter.

Harry saw that he had gained more than 200 points after the 500 bullets were shot.

On the whole, it was not bad. If the two of them had a better aim, he would have more points.

The armored car drove the three of them to their next destination.

Following the guidance of the map, Harry drove to a hotel. The building was 30 floors high, which was very suitable for living.

He had learned his lesson and let the Alpha Dog scan the whole building, but no one was there.

"This building is very safe. We can live here temporarily," Harry told the two.

Although the armored vehicle was safe, the three of them could not live here, they could only find a place to stay first.

So the three of them moved the living goods out of the car. Harry found a hidden armored car nearby and hid it.

The first reason was to prevent it from being destroyed, but it was more convenient to leave.

They came to a twenty-floor place, which was in the middle and upper part of the building and had a broad view.

Harry and the others had blocked the stairway, preventing zombies from coming up easily.

What's more, with the omnipotent artificial intelligence system, the Alpha Dog, could monitor everything around at any time, and even if there was danger, it could know in time.

Harry went back to his room and turned on the TV. The news was on.

"It's reported that the pestilence in the Nirvana City breaks out and spreads quickly. The government and relevant departments react quickly and block the main roads of city traffic..."

Harry snorted. The Nirvana City had been abandoned. Before long, the whole city would be in ruins.

In the past few days, Harry learned that the place he traveled through was named Nirvana City.

The time when the zombie virus broke out was almost the same as the time when he traveled!

Harry changed several channels, but they didn't notice the words "zombie" and "virus", which were at most "pestilence".

The whole TV channels were still peaceful and there was no sense of crisis, which meant that the truth of the outbreak of zombies in Nirvana City was concealed!

"Alas!" He sighed. He only hoped that the government outside would not make Nirvana City peaceful.

He took out two pistols and put them on the bed.


The Alpha Dog scanned the pistol,

"G. Locke 17."

Fired a 9 mm Balaberum bullet with an initial speed of 360 meters per second.

The total length of the spear was 185 millimeters, weight 0.62 kilograms, barrel 114 millimeters, and box capacity 17, effective shooting range 50 meters.

Harry knew this kind of pistol. This was a pistol equipped by the local police. Did they rob the police?

Anyway, it had nothing to do with him.

Now there were no bullets in the two guns, and the range of the guns was too short, so it was useless to deal with zombies from a long distance.

Harry wanted to modify these guns and buy some bullets with points.

These weapons were an important guarantee for their survival.

He searched for a variety of refit cards in the system.

Harry had a headache. There were too many of them. No wonder it was a divine level refitted system.

So he asked the Alpha Dog directly, "Can I refit these guns?"

The Alpha Dog replied, "Yes, you can choose upgrade or refit."


"Yes, the pistol named Locke can improve hand feel, shooting range, power, and so on."

Harry chose to upgrade because the upgrade didn't need high conditions. It only needed points, and only ten points to upgrade.

Besides, they needed to collect materials to modify the car, and they had to spend more than one point.

The three guns gave out a burst of light, and the light dissipated, and the guns returned to their original state.

"It doesn't change at all!" Harry was a little confused, but he didn't take it to heart. After taking a shower, he fell asleep.

He was tired these days.

After dinner, the three of them went back to the car.

They had to continue to look for goods and materials. They hadn't found enough in the supermarket before, so they could only use two or three days.

"Good guy, where did you get so many bullets?" James was stunned when he saw the boxes of bullets in the car.

Before they got in the car, Harry had spent fifty points and exchanged five hundred bullets for each machine gun. The ammunition box was put in the car.

If he didn't have enough points, he still wanted to exchange for a few more missiles!

"James, take this gun with you for self-defense." Harry threw a gun at James.

James looked at him gratefully, "Thank you!"

Harry looked at Cook again and said, "I'll give you the weapon next time I find it!"

Cook nodded.

The three of them continued their journey.