Chapter 6 A Survival-Skill Book

At this time, a voice appeared in Harry's mind.

"Ding! The number of zombies you killed has reached 500, and you are rewarded with a bottle of magic water!"

"Ding! You have killed 1,000 zombies in a day, and you are rewarded with a preliminary stage survival-skill book!"

"Do you want to receive it?"

Harry replied in his mind, "Yes."

After he turned off the engine and summoned the items with his mind, a bottle of blue-canned drink appeared in the small drawer on the right.

He picked it up and drank it all. Suddenly, he felt full of energy, and his body was also hot as if full of strength.

"It tastes good, just a bit sour."

A few seconds later, Harry felt a slight change in his muscles, and his mind seemed to become active and clear.

He opened the property panel again:

Physical strength: 4

Strength: 4

Agility: 4

Endurance: 4

Token: 1558

Good. Not only did I get more than 1000 points in the killing, but also two rewards. It's worth it.

More than 1000 points were enough to exchange for some urgently-needed goods in the system shop.

"Preliminary stage survival-skill book How to use it? Does it take time to learn? I don't have time to study at this time"

Harry was muttering to himself when a voice appeared in his mind.

The artificial intelligence Alpha Dog said, "Hello, host. I've just detected your question. As for the use of the preliminary stage survival-skill book, you can get it from the system's backpack, and then all the information will automatically be implanted into your brain."

That's easy. Harry opened the backpack with his mind and chose to receive it.

In an instant, a massive amount of information poured into his head

After two seconds of splitting headache, Harry muttered, "Fuck! I can't hide anything for the Alpha Dog. I have no secrets anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, another voice appeared in Harry's mind.

"Hello, host. You can choose to turn the automatic scanning on or off at any time."

"Got it. I will go to the large shopping mall. Has the road condition changed?" Harry planned to go to the food warehouse 25 kilometers away to get more food.

Now Nirvana City had been occupied by zombies. Considering his safety, he didn't dare to eat the food even if he had it. Perhaps the touched by zombies would also be infected with the virus, so he must be very careful.

He had seen some old people and women who were not bitten by zombies, but had just been splashed some blood of the zombies, and turned into zombies.

In just five seconds, Alpha Dog replied:

"There are two paths: an ordinary road, which is relatively smooth, with only the fleeing people. But it is long, and your car may not be able to reach the destination with the oil volume. Another option is a highway, packed with accident cars, but it can be passed by your car condition. And there is a service area 12 kilometers away in the highway, which can supplement your car oil."

Harry turned off the automatic scanning of Alpha Dog and turned on the car navigation. He chose the highway. The top priority was to find some food and fuel.

If this armored car had no oil, it would be a pile of scrap metal.


With the start button pressed, the whole car trembled slightly, and the fierce roar of the engine was like an angry beast roaring, which was very shocking.

The roar of the car attracted several wandering zombies.

James opened the top cabin lid, poked his head out, and held the Locke pistol which was upgraded last night.

He locked the gun and aimed at the target.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With three gunshots, the three zombies beside him died.

"Good shooting." Harry couldn't help but praise him.

"Thank you. I used to be a soldier. It's not a big deal to kill them at such a distance."

James said with a smug smile.

Since he loved killing, he shot continuously and changed the cartridge clip quickly

Along the way, the zombies were all bombarded by James, as if they were moving targets.

"Let me try."

Cook opened another cabin lid and watched James's shooting performance eagerly.

"Fuck you! This is sports shooting. You can't do it without training."

James said as he put away his gun and shook it.

Indeed, it was not easy to hit the moving targets when shooting in a high-speed car!

"Sit still, I'm about to enter the highway."

As soon as he finished speaking, Harry held the steering wheel tightly and crashed into two cars at the intersection.


The car in front of them spun 360 degrees and slid to the side of the road, producing a series of sparks caused by the friction between the car and the ground.

A small car beside them was crushed directly, like a toy. When the car went through it, it became a thick piece of iron.

Speed up, come on!

After hitting dozens of cars in a row, the speed of the BRDM2 armored car did not decrease at all. It was like a mud-pushing machine, with a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and the front protective armor did not move at all.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Harry felt a slight vibration.

"Great! I feel great to drive an armored car."

On the highway, the road condition was much more complicated than Harry had imagined. There were crashed cars and bloody injured people everywhere. What a horrible scene!

Because of the injured, Harry didn't want to crush them, fearing that they would be hurt for the second time. Although the injured might eventually be swallowed by zombies, it was their fate that had nothing to do with him.

"Can we change a route? There are too many roadblocks." Harry asked in his mind.

Alpha Dog replied, "If you want to refuel, this is the only way, but you can drive the car sideways."

"Got it."

Harry tried to turn the steering wheel quickly. The car leaned 45 degrees steadily and kept moving forward at a fast speed.

What's going on? I've never had this special skill. Why can I use it now?

"Oh, yeah It must be the effect of the preliminary stage survival-skill book. It seemed that the book was quite comprehensive. I wonder how many unknown skills it had."

"Boss, you are awesome. This is a super skill in my previous team. You are absolutely a master."

James sat on one side and thought about this cool driving skill.

Harry was driving the armored car at a high speed. Along the way, many injured people waved their hands for help, and some even stood by the road with a sign "HELP" written on it.

"Howl! Howl!"

Suddenly, a group of zombies appeared in front of them. They were walking slowly like robots.

What? Did the zombie virus spread outside Nirvana City?

Alpha Dog replied, "Points can be exchanged for items in the system upgrading items."