Chapter 7 Smooth Killing

After getting on the highway, Harry took a deep breath and decided to stop the car to have a rest. Although his driving skill was great and exciting, it was not comfortable to sit sideways.

At this time, on the highway, he looked around the whole city and saw wandering zombies everywhere, and some survivors who fled madly in all directions.

The whole street was already in a mess because of the collision of accident cars. Many cars rushed into the shops on both sides, and the driver was thrown out of the car due to inertia, hung high on the guardrail.

Occasionally, he could see a figure falling from a tall building, probably attacked by a zombie, and chose to jump off the building. But unfortunately, he became a pile of meat.

"This city is too crazy and horrible, with unimaginable cruelty and blood."

The doomsday in reality!

A trace of uneasiness and sympathy flashed across Harry's face, but he immediately showed indifference. At the end of the day, such a situation would only get worse and worse. He had to learn to adapt, and only when he adapted could he be calm in danger.

In other words, with his ability, he could not change anything.

The only thought in his mind now was to survive, then he might be able to do something in the future.

"Damn it! I'm going to graduate soon. My future is just beginning. How come it's the end of the world?"

Harry cursed in his heart.


He pressed the start button, and the fierce engine roared. Harry quickly turned the steering wheel, and the car moved forward at a 45-degree tilt.

"Boss, shall we kill all the zombies in front of us?"

Cook saw a group of zombies in front of them and had an impulse to shoot again.

"No, we'll overtake them first. When we arrive at the gas station, we'll fill the gas first. How many bullets are left?"

Harry thought that he had spent 50 points last night and exchanged them for 1,0000 bullets. There should be few left.

He had 1558 points, which was gained by killing zombies one by one. Although some were crushed by the armored car and the pistol, most of them were killed by the machine guns.

"The machine guns had no bullets. Now there are only 50 bullets left in the pistols."

James calculated the bullets quickly.

"Got it. Sit down."

Harry stepped on the gas and controlled the steering wheel flexibly. The whole armored car moved forward in S shape like a snake, accurately avoiding all kinds of vehicles on the road.

Shuttling through the zombies which were scratched to the ground by the car and turned into meat mud under the wheels, the side shield of the car was like a blade, instantly cutting zombies heads into pieces.

Hearing the sound, the zombies became crazy. Instead of walking like robots, they jumped quickly and kept making "howls".

It seemed that zombies were only interested in voice.

Soon, the armored car surpassed the zombie group, which was nearly three kilometers long.

There were men, women, old and young in this group. They were all dressed neatly, without any bloodstain, and no sign of fighting.

It could be sure that these zombies were people who fled quickly from the small town nearby, but they were infected with the zombie virus suddenly.

Outside Nirvana City, the zombie virus also broke out!

"Boss, we're at the gas station." James looked excited when he saw the gas station not far away.

Except for several abandoned cars, there was no one in the gas station. They must have run away. From the oil gun that hadn't been put back to its original position, it could be seen that they fled in a hurry.


Harry intentionally honked the horn of the armored car to test if anyone was left behind or if there were any zombies interested in the sound.

After a while, there was still no sound. The three of them opened the upper cabin lid and jumped down.

Fortunately, there was an oil spear that hadn't been put back. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to refuel the car.

Cook picked up the gas gun, but he couldn't find the gas tank of the car.

They all didn't know. After all, none of them had ever driven an armored car.

"Where is the tank?" Harry asked in his mind.

Alpha Dog replied, "In the trunk, you can press the green button on the back of the car and turn on the red switch. Fill up the gas with 600 liters and drive 1800 kilometers."

After filling the gas, the three walked into the dining room of the service area to see if there was water and food.

Suddenly, five tall and strong zombies came out of the kitchen and rushed towards them.

Before Cook could react, his neck was broken by a zombie.

James used to be a soldier and had some martial skills. He kicked a zombie with one side leg and then stabbed a shovel into its temple. Blood spurted out from its brain and it slowly collapsed to the ground.

Seeing this, Harry, who was walking at the back, dashed forward with a big stride. He used his fists to hit the heads of two zombies, and they were 100% dead.

He bent down to dodge the attack of another zombie, and swept his leg in the air, kicking it down to the ground. When he landed, he knelt on one knee heavily on the head of another zombie.


The head was crushed by Harry's kneeling and splashed with white fluids.

Another zombie was still eating Cook's corpse. Harry picked up a knife and fork on the table and threw them out with great force. They pierced right through the zombie's head from the middle of its eyebrows.

Killing four zombies in a row without hesitation. Harry was a kung fu master!

James was dumbfounded.

Harry didn't even know how skilled he was.

It must be the effect of the primary stage survival-skill book. Its quite comprehensive. As long as you needed it, it would naturally come to you.

And that magic water strengthened his strength, agility, and judgment. Unimaginable!

"Boss, I didn't expect you to be a divine-level figure." James praised sincerely.

In the past, he only called Harry "boss" because he wanted to show his respect and get a closer relationship with Harry, or for the sake that the armored car. But now he called him boss from the bottom of his heart. He admired him.

"It's not a big deal. This is only a preliminary stage."

Thinking of the preliminary stage survival-skill book, Harry blurted out that it was a preliminary stage.

"This is preliminary?" James widened his eyes and stared at him.

"What a pity, Cook... We overlooked..."

Looking at the miserable corpse of Cook, Harry sighed slightly. After all, they had fought together.