Chapter 8 Gather Zombies Together and Kill at once

James also looked serious. He just knew Cook the day before yesterday. In the blink of an eye, he had already lost him.

"Go to the kitchen to see if there is any water, forget about the food."

Harry was afraid that the food might be touched by zombies. If there was any zombie virus in the food, they would be dead. After giving James the order, he opened the system shop.

First of all, he exchanged 100 points for 2,000 machine gun bullets and then exchanged 50 points for 500 pistol bullets. These were urgently needed, and it's the fastest way to get points by killing zombies.

He browsed the system shop and found that there was a level-3 Swiss army knife, which was the best cold weapon for close combat. He clicked it and the system showed that it needed 200 points, which was quite expensive.

If he had a Swiss army knife before, it would have been a piece of cake to kill four zombies. And James didn't have any weapon now.

Harry didn't want to lose James anymore. He had to arm him well. A soldier should be an expert to use the Swiss army knife.

Harry used 400 points to buy two Swiss army knives without hesitation.

He continued to browse. There were all kinds of items and countless classified pages.

"Well, that's it. I'll wait until we find a safe place and get enough points."

Harry closed the system shop and stretched himself.

And he saw a big pair of ropes.

At the corner of the gas station, there were a lot of ropes, probably for the convenience of the large trucks on the highway. They were at least 1,000 meters long.

A bold idea came to Harry's mind when he saw the ropes.

"Boss, six boxes of mineral water have been carried into the car. Can we go now? The zombies, which are a few kilometers long behind, are coming."

James was still a little scared of the zombies hr. had seen before, so he urged Harry to leave as soon as possible.

"Well, it's almost done. Let's carry these bullets into the car and there's a Swiss army knife for you."

He pointed at the items he had just exchanged from the system shop.

"Swiss army knife... My God. This is the standard configuration of a special force." James looked at the cold blade and praised.

"There will be more unbelievable things in the future. Come on, buddy, have you seen the ropes? I'll perform a Hollywood movie for you later."

"Really? What kind of strange skill does he have?"

James asked in confusion as he carried the bullets.

"Move the ropes to the oil gun, pour them with oil, and tie the ropes to the hook of the car."

"Got it."

Harry was about to use the rope as a trigger to detonate the whole gas station.

When everything was ready, they ate some chocolate to replenish their energy and gulped down some water.

Through the window of the restaurant, they could see the zombies coming here.

"Turn on the high-pitched speaker and play a hot song, attracting them all to the gas station."

"Okay. Smart. Gather them together and kill at once."

James reached out his hand and made an "OK" gesture. Immediately, he understood why Harry's intention of watering all the ropes with oil.

Hearing the speaker, those zombies quickened their steps and rushed over in a dark mass.

"Get in the car."

When James was about to open the lid of the armored car, Harry pulled him down.

"Wait. Get in through the trunk isolation."

Since Harry drank that magic water, his reaction and perception had been significantly improved, and his mind had been particularly active and clear.

He had already smelled a strong scent of gasoline. If they entered through the cabin lid, the whole cabin would be filled with a strong smell of gasoline, making it dangerous and unbearable.

After sitting down, James gave Harry a thumbs up.

Although he couldn't think of it in advance, he immediately understood the reason when the effect came out.


He pressed the start button and Harry stepped on the gas. The armored car moved slowly. Harry didn't dare to press the gas hard, fearing that the engine would explode. After all, the oil gun had been on all the time, and the oil in the air was quite thick.

"Boss, do you know everything?"

James asked in confusion and admiration.

"If you want to live, you have to be careful. Cook is a living example. Remember, don't act without my order in the future."

Harry told him in a serious tone.

The armored vehicle sped away 200 meters away like a wild horse.

1,600 meters... Chez The ropes tied to the hook of the car were broken.

After moving on for 500 meters, they arrived at a corner. Harry stopped the car and looked at the ropes, which were 2,000 meters away, within the range of the pistol.

He had to make sure that he could turn a corner to avoid the shock wave caused by the explosion of the gas station and the high temperature of burning.

Otherwise, even if the armored car was fine, the high heat wave would probably suffocate them to death in the cabin.

Harry and James opened the cabin lid and saw that the gas station was full of zombies attracted to by the high-pitched speaker. They were swaying in all directions and rushing ahead with howls. The scene was creepy.

"Boss, it's almost done. Can we detonate it now?"

"Are you sure of this shooting range?" Harry asked, tilting his head.

"Well, I'm not 100% sure. Let me have a try."

James wanted to show off in front of Harry. After all, he was a soldier, and he could not be inferior to an ordinary person.

"Forget it. Let me do it."

Harry was not worried that James shooting. He just wanted to test if he had accurate shooting skills.

He picked up the pistol, loaded it, and aimed at...

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After three shots, the bullets whizzed out of the gun and hit the ropes accurately. The tip of the ropes bounced up unexpectedly, and then the sparks hit the ground instantly and ignited the oily ropes.

The next second, the long ropes were lit to the gas station like a fiery dragon.


The whole gas station exploded. The soaring fire and thick smoke turned into a huge mushroom cloud above the gas station.

All the buildings and zombies were swallowed up by the raging fire. The shock wave and heatwave produced by the explosion quickly expanded around at the same time.

The zombies 1,000 meters away shook and then fell.

It was easy to kill them all at once! Simple! Violent! Direct!