Chapter 15 Playing Hard to Get

"Let's go to the five-star Grand Hotel."

Harry pressed the dialogue button and left the car to Alpha Dog.


The armored car sped away like a beast. On the street, there were occasionally some disabled and wandering zombies, which were either directly knocked away by the car or crushed under the tires, splashing a large amount of blood.

The huge car didn't slow down or get any damages because of the collision.

On the road of the suburb, the sun was setting. The yellow and red cloud wandered over this quiet town. Not far away from the farm, occasionally there were a few dog barks and chicken chirps as if it was a distant and hazy dream.

If it weren't for the disgusting zombies, the dusk would have been beautiful and poetic.

"The sunset is beautiful, but it's close to dusk."

Harry blurted out.

"That's nice, Harry. I didn't know a science and technology guy would use poems to express his feelings. You are talented."

Lea tilted her head, looking even more delicate and beautiful with sunshine reflected on her face from the windshield.

"With a beautiful girl, I must pretend to be elegant and affectionate. That's not talent at all."

After getting Lea's praise, Harry was extremely happy, but he dealt with his feelings gently.

The shrewdness lied in playing hard to get!

"Oh, do you always act like a gentleman when you see beautiful girls?"

After saying that, Lea smiled.

"No, no... I didn't mean that. I... I mean when I meet a beautiful girl I like."

Harry blushed and stammered.

Just now, he was secretly pleased with his shrewdness, but he didn't expect that Lea was so eloquent.

"Why are you so nervous? I just said it casually."

Hearing Harry's explanation, Lea couldn't help laughing.

"I mean it. I just pretended to be elegant when I saw you, the most beautiful girl in the school."

With a red face, Harry had no choice but to confess his feelings for Lea.

"Really? Should I thank you for your appreciation?"

Lea continued to tease him, but her heart was full of a sense of superiority. Harry was an innocent boy in terms of love.

To be honest, as the campus beauty, Lea had seen all kinds of guys. So, a rookie like Harry was completely seen through by her.

"Boss, I'm sleepy. I didn't hear a single word from you."

James squinted his eyes and prepared to have a good rest.

"You talk too much. You still talk when you are asleep."

Harry stared at him.

"You don't have to thank me. It's my honor. If I hadn't traveled through the time, I could only appreciate your beauty from a distance in the past. But now I could even smell the fragrance of your hair."

Harry seemed to be inspired.

"Oh, the more you say, the more interesting it is. You can almost be a poet. Go on."

Hearing this, Lea turned her body slightly, but accidentally slipped the shawl that had been torn off. Her breasts were partly visible.

Harry looked at them with admiration and said playfully, "You've hidden them well. You're so thin, but you have such a good figure."

"Harry, that's not romantic. It's a bit embarrassing, isn't it?"

Lea acted coquettishly but not angry. She just wanted to send a warning.

"It's a good match to be able to understand the words and pretending to be reserved."

James's words pierced this embarrassment.

The two of them looked at each other, smiling knowingly.

"We have arrived at the five-star Grand Hotel. Shall we turn off the engine and park the car or go to the garage?"

Alpha Dog had driven the car to the hotel by GPS.

"Just stop the car."

10 kilometers was a piece of cake for the upgrades armored car. They arrived here in a few minutes.

Harry looked around and found that it was not as prosperous as he thought, let alone a large area of buildings.

The five-star Grand Hotel was located at the junction of Nirvana City and Riverside City. It was a suburban resort.

Due to the beautiful scenery of the Cowherd Mountain nearby, there were many strange stone pillars, especially the lifelike stone ox.

More and more tourists came. Later, the local government developed a cultural and tourist project.

"Search around the hotel." Harry pressed the dialogue button.

Five seconds later, Alpha Dog replied, "Everything is normal, except that no person is around."

"Great! I can finally have a good rest." James exclaimed excitedly.

The five-star Grand Hotel.

It was a famous high-end resort hotel in Riverside City. Its layout was exquisite, and the classic simplicity and modern boldness were perfectly combined. The culture corridor that came into view was unique, recording the legend of the Cowherd Mountain. Every corner was filled with a strong natural atmosphere, interpreting tourism culture.

There were trees and flowers everywhere, full of fragrance; There were tall and straight poplars and ancient banyan trees with intertwined roots; The towering stone pillar in the middle looked particularly solemn.

It was a huge hotel. When the guests were in hustle and bustle, it was always so crowded. Now there was no one. It was cold and quiet, making it look strange.

They could choose whichever room they wanted.

So, they chose three presidential suites on the eighteen floor.

They stayed in their rooms and took a hot bath to wash away the tiredness and dirt. Immediately, they felt refreshed and comfortable.

"Boss, let's go to the restaurant and have a bottle of red wine together."

James put on his sportswear and knocked on the door of Harry's room.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Lying in the bathtub, Harry was thinking about the next step.

"Why don't you invite me to have a taste of the red wine? In a sense, the red wine is girls' patent."

Lea put on a pink dress and walked out of the room, wrapping her long hair with a towel.

"How could it be possible? I want to drink some wine with you. Red wine in glass cannot be compared with beauty in my arms"

Harry slowly opened the door, but he spoke first.

"Harry, you are such a poet. I wonder what Wang Han, the original author of the poem, will think of the poem you just revised?"

"Just one glass of wine in the restaurant. Don't care about Wang Han, ha-ha..." Harry blurted out.

"Let's go. I'm so hungry. Let's talk while eating."

James urged, pointing at his empty belly.