Chapter 16 Try to Kill and Cure at the Same Time

They went downstairs to the third floor and entered the restaurant. Although there were no chefs and waiters, there were all kinds of fast food in the buffet area.

But all the food was cold.

James turned on the auto-heating.

Harry found some delicious dishes and took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet. The three of them drank while waiting.

"Boss, what should we do next? We can't keep shooting zombies forever." James shook his glass and asked.

"Yeah, I have been thinking about that when I took a hot bath just now."

Harry raised his glass and drank it up.

"That's right. Killing zombies is at most a temporary method. As I said, only a vaccine or specific medicine can solve the problem."

Lea made the right analysis from a medical point of view.

"No, this is only a part of the prevention and control work. To completely relieve this crisis, we must find No. 0 pathogen, and find out whether the virus is naturally formed or man-made." Harry was smarter.

"Do you mean that the zombie virus could be a man-made disaster?" Although Harrys words shocked Lea, she was impressed by his comprehensive thinking.

"I don't know how many places the zombie virus has ruined. There is no one here. I can't imagine how fast the virus spreads."

Looking at the empty restaurant, James thought of all the hotel staff who had escaped.

"It's easy. We can read the news."

Lea pointed to the TV on the wall.

"Yeah, why haven't I thought about that?"

She turned on the TV and it was the local channel of Riverside City.

The TV screen was full of chaos about people escaping from the zombie virus, and some of them were blurred.

The host comforted the public: "Do not panic, waiting for rescue at home."

A piece of information below the screen caught their attention.

All the citizens of Riverside City pay attention: the zombie virus has invaded our city. Everyone should be on guard, don't panic, and don't escape. Now the main traffic intersection has been set up, please wait for the rescue at home!

"What's going on? Why don't let people go?" James asked in confusion.

"You don't understand it. It's called cutting off the transmission, avoiding unnecessary cross-infection, so that better treatment can be concentrated." Lea explained to James, who was a little annoyed.

"There is an emergency notice... Ah"

The TV host suddenly screamed.

A huge hand appeared on the screen. It was more like a fingernail on an arm than a hand, because there was no finger at all. It was just a sickle-like fingernail on an arm.

Before the host could react, the big hand waved, and its sickle-like fingernail instantly cut her right arm. Blood sprayed to the camera, and the screen was red.


With two roars, the whole TV screen was filled with snowflakes, only some noise was heard.

"No way. Just when they said don't panic and wait for rescue at home, the zombies attacked the TV station." James looked at Harry in shock again.

"This is the greatness of TV hosts. They stick to their job." Lea sighed helplessly.

It seemed that just like Nirvana City, zombies had also invaded Riverside City. Based on the fingernail that appeared on the TV screen just now, the zombies had become more horrible.

"How about this? Let's finish eating quickly and prepare some food for the future. Tomorrow we may change our strategy and see if we can occupy a large hospital as a base..."

"You mean to study specific drugs while hunting zombies." Lea interrupted Harry.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Of course, the drugs depend on you."

Harry looked at her expectantly.

"I will try my best, but I can't guarantee the result."

"We can only do it step by step. No one has absolute certainty, but it's better than just killing zombies. At least, we can try to kill and cure at the same time."

"Boss is right. As for the protection work of this hospital, just leave it to me. I can at least shoot and kill." James took the responsibility of security.

"Well, I will also take part in it." Harry stood up and patted him on the shoulder.

"Unfortunately, there is no one here. How about asking where the biggest hospital in the city is?" James said, scratching his head.

"Don't you have GPS?" Seeing the anxious look on James's face, Lea couldn't help laughing.

"Easy. I'll ask Alpha Dog."

Harry took out his phone and turned on the Bluetooth.

"Where is the biggest hospital in Riverside City? What's the situation of it now?"

Thirty seconds later, the Alpha Dog replied, "The biggest hospital in Riverside City is at No. 162, South Ring Road. Its name is Municipal People's Hospital. At present, patients are treated, and the medical staff is working normally."

"There is another discovery. There are two transmigrators in the Municipal People's Hospital. Please pay attention to them and take them into the team!"

"How can I be sure who is transmigrator?" Harry asked.

"I haven't got any more information yet. Over." Alpha Dog answered directly, without an extra word.

"Did you hear that? Our team is going to be stronger. It's always more methods than difficulties."

Harry raised the empty glass in his hand and smiled confidently.

He knew that every transmigrator should be a member of his team, and he/she must be a good talent like Lea.

"Boss, do you want one glass more?"

"What do you think? Isn't this good news worth another drink?"

"No problem. Let's continue."

At this time, Lea brought the hot food to them.

"Harry, don't drink too much. Eat some food first. Drinking is not good for your stomach."

Then she put a bowl of Lanzhou noodles in front of him.

"Boss, it's good to have a beautiful angel by your side. You don't need to take care of yourself." James grabbed a chicken leg and put it into the mouth.

"You just can't stop talking, can you? But I agreed." Lea smiled.

"Let's have dinner together. Cheers! Prepare some food for the future. Tomorrow is going to be not easy."

Harry invited Lea to sit next to him.