Chapter 17 Preliminary Savior

Looking at so much food in the car, the three of them wiped their sweat and smiled with satisfaction.

The upgraded BRDM2 armored car was more than twice as big as before. All the compressed food and water in the hotel had been put in the car, and of course, they also brought some bottles of red wine.

"Well, the food is enough for the three of us to eat for a month," James said as he closed the door and dusted himself.

"Were full and have put all the food in the car. Get ready for tomorrow. Have a good rest tonight." Harry opened the elevator door.

"I'll go back to my room and take a hot shower, then sleep and wake up naturally tomorrow." Lea smoothed her wet hair.

"No problem. No one will disturb you. But if you need any help, you can call me at any time." Harry stressed the word "disturb".

Lea rolled her eyes at Harry and smiled.

"I'm so tired right now. I will go to sleep as soon as possible. Boss, wake me up tomorrow morning." James said, expressing his attitude and stance.

After they went upstairs, they closed the security door of the stairway for safety.

"Good night, you two. I'm going back to my room." Lea waved politely and closed the door.

Harry closed the door, washed his face, and rinsed his mouth, about to rest.

A voice suddenly sounded in his mind.


"Since the host has completed the killing task, you have become preliminary savior! Three bottles of physical drink and a refit card for an ordinary car are rewarded to you!"

Preliminary savior!

Harry was excited, "The system suits me well."

The three bottles of physical drink and the refit card for an ordinary car should be given to the team members.

The system said that his property had been automatically upgraded to preliminary savior.

Harry opened the property panel.

"Identity: preliminary savior"

"Physical strength: 16"

"Strength: 16"

"Agility: 16"

"Endurance: 16"

"Points: 11,940"

Wow, the preliminary savior is awesome! Every property doubled.

While Harry was stunned, he felt something wrong with his body. He was numb, and his head was aching.

Three minutes later, all the symptoms disappeared.

All of a sudden, he felt like he was floating in the air. Just then, a small bug flew in from the window. Harry sprang up from the bed, reached out his hand, and accurately clamped the bug between his index finger and ring finger.

His body began to heat up slowly. He was energetic and sleepless now.

"I'll go to the gym."

Harry suddenly had an impulse to do some workouts.

He went to the gym and took off his shirt. Then, he was shocked: he had become a muscular man!

His chest bulged, and he had eight well-proportioned abdominal muscles and strong biceps

Suddenly, he moved, leaped, bounced, and hacked.

After he finished a set of fist positions, he didn't breathe heavily. Instead, he felt comfortable, as if his energy was released and he was stronger.

He picked up the dumbbell beside him.

In the past, he could only lift it with two hands. Now, he could easily pick it up and down with only one hand. He put down the dumbbell and tried the two fingers push-ups which he could not do with one hand before. Now, it was easily done!

"Wow, this preliminary savior is so amazing!"

Harry was very satisfied with this upgrade.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It showed on the speed monitor that the fist speed was 13 per second and the impact force was 500 pounds.

"Nice! I'm still saving my energy now. If I use all my strength, I may explode the speed monitor!"

Excited, he lifted his leg and forced a fixed iron stake to fall.

"Well, I'm strong enough."

Harry went to the lounge to get a bottle of water. When he was about to drink it, he saw the "safety rules" on the wall.


Just a casual glance, he remembered everything unexpectedly.

It seemed that the preliminary survival skill book he had obtained before was also upgraded.

Happily, he went back to his room and opened the system shop. Harry wanted to replenish his weapons. No matter how powerful he was, he was not alone after all. James and Lea still needed some weapons.

He clicked the "weapons" classification option.

"Military portable grenade 20 points each one"

"I'll get 20. It would be useful to deal with a large group of zombies."

"Bullets of mini submachine gun for women 50 points for 1,000"

"Bullets of a machine gun 50 points for 1,000"

"I'll get 2 boxes of each."

" Bullets of G. Locke 17 gun 50 points for 1,000"

"I'll get one box."

Harry immediately paid the bill and took them out of his mind.

Soon, a box of military grenades and five boxes of bullets appeared in the room.

The system hinted:

"Military portable grenades."

"The military grenades series. Safe and portable. Power AAA, lethality AAA, explosion radius 2 meters."

Harry opened the property panel to check his points:

"Points: 11,340"

"Oh, right, there is still a refit card and three bottles of physical drink. I'll take them together."

After taking all these things, it was already very late.

Closing his eyes, Harry didn't feel sleepy at all. All he could think about was the contents of that skill book.

So, Harry decided to connect the Bluetooth and chat with Alpha Dog.

"Why can't I go to sleep when I become the preliminary savior?"

"You just need to rest for 2 hours every day. Now the system is upgrading all your skills."

"Can you help me check the information of the two transmigrators in the Municipal People's Hospital?"

"现在暂时无法查到" (Not available for the time being.)

"Why do you speak Chinese all of a sudden?"

"Sorry, your pronunciation was not clear just now. The system thought you were speaking Chinese. It meant not being available for the time being."

"The system knows Chinese?"

"There are seven languages in total. It's convenient for you to translate in the future."

"Are there foreigners in my team in the future?"

"Yes, it will be a global organization in the end."

"No wonder I'm only a preliminary savior. I still need to upgrade in the future."

"Yes, you have to be fully prepared."

Harry turned off the Bluetooth and lay in bed, thinking about the important mission he had shouldered.

It was just the beginning, and there would be a lot of things in the future.

Unconsciously, there was a trace of whiteness outside the window.

Harry took a sip of water and adjusted his sleeping position. It was time to have a rest.

As soon as he fell asleep, he had a strange dream.

In his dream, he led thousands of troops and horses. Among these people, there were elites from all walks of life. They were divided into different sub-teams according to different professions, including hunters, rescue members, doctors, scientists…