Chapter 18 Wife

In Riverside City, as soon as the sun rose from the Cowherd Mountain, the whole city was covered with the sand-like golden mist.

The birds outside the window began to chirp happily, and golden sunshine came in through the gaps of the curtain.

Harry opened his sleepy eyes, yawned, and stretched.

After taking a shower, he put on his sportswear, opened the door, and stood on the balcony. A fresh and pleasant breeze came to his face, dispelling his remaining sleepiness. Harry was refreshed and completely awake now.

" I choose to get up early in the morning because the beautiful morning never belongs to lazy people."

Harry knew very well that he would always choose to get up early in the morning during his lifetime.

Every success belonged to a person who knew how to seize the youth.

He walked out of the room and looked at James's and Lea's quiet rooms. He didn't disturb them. After all, they had been worn out these days.

He went downstairs alone to the park of the resort. He planned to run ten kilometers.

Harry took a deep breath and smelled a strong fragrance.

It turned out to be the fragrance of the Osmanthus in the park. In autumn, the Osmanthus was blooming.

The Osmanthus quietly crawl over the branches, as if they were covered with a golden gauze. The rice-sized flower made people want to take a deep breath.

It had been a long time since he did workouts since he came to this world. He had been fighting with zombies all the time and was on the edge of life and death. So, he didn't have any time to do morning exercises.

Harry picked up some Osmanthus which were blown by the cold wind last night, smelled, and ran. After ten laps, he didn't even feel tired.

Seeing that the sun hadn't completely risen, he sped up and finished the remaining ten laps.

The morning dew and sweat had wetted his hair. He stopped, picked up his clothes, and wiped them.

The mist in the distance, the fragrance of flowers around him, and the birds singing beside him

If it weren't for the zombie virus, it was indeed a good resort, a paradise even.

When he returned to the hotel, Harry still felt energetic. He decided to hit the gym.

Dumbbells, thrusters, push-ups, sit-ups…

To increase his flexibility, he also did leg stretches, bending down, and joints and tendons exercises.

One inch length of the tendons, ten years longer in one's life!

That's to say, you could keep young by workouts.

At last, he swung his fist at the bag, bent down, and with a beautiful sweep leg, the bag was completely defeated.

Wiping the sweat off his body, Harry took a few gulps of water and went back to his room to take a shower.

"Ah, it feels so good."

Harry couldn't help screaming as he enjoyed the shower.

Walking out of the bathroom, Harry stood on the electronic scale and wanted to see the weight of this preliminary savior.

The indicator of the electronic scale had fallen to seventy-six.

His weight was seventy-six kilograms. Harry smiled with satisfaction.

Standing in front of the mirror, he looked at himself. He was more than 1.8 meters tall. His skin was white, and the outline of his handsome features was clear. His clear eyes were heroic. He was a handsome and muscular man!

After changing his clothes, Harry saw the messy bed sheet and shook his head.

"It's still my university habit."


After making up the bed, his stomach began to sound. The activities in the morning had already consumed his food last night.

Harry walked out of the room and headed for the dining room.

"What's wrong? It's late. Why don't you get up? Two lazy people."

Harry knocked on the doors one by one and shouted.

"Get up. Lazy bugs."

"It's so comfortable... Alright... I'll get up right now." James yawned and agreed.

"Who is the lazy bug? I've already got up. Good morning, Harry."

Lea opened the door and walked out.

She was wearing a pink suit, which fitted her well. Her curved figure was shown to the extreme. Her long black hair fell over her shoulders like a waterfall. Although she didn't wear any makeup, she was still beautiful and charming.

"Good morning, beauty. It's a red rose."

Harry's eyes lit up. Lea looked like a fairy.

"I need to thank you. You picked all the clothes for me. It seems that your wife in the future doesn't need to go shopping by herself."

Lea turned around in front of Harry, showing her charm.

"It's not easy. Since the clothes I chose are so suitable, I'll take care of this task for the rest of my life. I like doing this, including buying the pads. Is that okay?" Harry didn't hesitate and mentioned the matter of the pads again.

"Okay, if you volunteer, I agree." Lea deliberately avoided the key point.

"Just keep pretending. I'll conquer you."

"I'm enjoying this process."

Their conversation almost made James who was brushing his teeth laugh.

"Boss, you get up so early. I haven't slept enough."

James opened the door and looked sleepy.

"It's enough. I've been working out for more than an hour. I'm so hungry. Look, Lea has already got up."

Harry said as he stretched himself.

"Really? You said you are hungry. I don't believe you. Look... A beauty is delicious." After saying that, James pointed at Lea secretly to Harry.

"You brat!"

Harry raised his hand pretended to hit James.

"Stop it. Go and have breakfast." Lea closed the door and walked to them.

"Let's go, Boss. I'm also very hungry."

They arrived at the restaurant on the third floor. There was milk, bread, and all kinds of desserts in the fast-food area which was automatically heated last night.

They chose their breakfast.

"Would you like a glass of red wine?" Harry caught a glimpse of the remaining half bottle of wine last night and asked James.

"No, you can't drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Don't act like a drunkard."

Before James said anything. Lea took away the wine bottle on the table.

"Boss, look, your wife took away the bottle."

After saying that, James covered his mouth immediately.

"Wife? You're talking nonsense again. You want to be beaten again, don't you?"

Harry looked at James and winked at Lea.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not that fierce. I'm older than you and will be someone's wife sooner or later. I'll let you call me first and practice."

Lea's words greatly shocked them.

Only people with high EQs like her could react in an instant. No wonder she was the top student in the country!

"That's right. I always call you my boss, and now you want to beat me."

James pretended to be aggrieved, but he snickered.