Chapter 22 Sneak Attacks

Ding! A hint came from the system:

"Killing one mutated zombie, point + 20"

"Killing one mutated zombie, point + 10"

"Killing one zombie, point + 1"

What? 20 points? Is the zombie developing a circulation system worth 20 points?

Harry didn't think too much and kept alert.

"Boss, the grenades are very useful."

James looked back at the messy square and shouted.

"Come down and have a rest. We're almost there."

Harry unfastened his seat belt and was ready to get out of the car.

After the cabin lid was closed, it became much quieter in the car. James went back to the back seat.

"I found a secret. When I checked the zombies just now, I felt that my vision and memory were much better than before."

"Me too. As soon as I saw the zombie coming out of the shop, I didn't aim, but hit it precisely." Lea also expressed her feelings.

"It's not strange. The physical drinks are working. As I said, not only they can increase strength, but also physique, agility, endurance, thinking, and so on. You will know more in the future."

Harry had tried it himself, so he knew it.

Until now, the two completely believed in the magical effect of the "physical drink"!

"Lea, look. There are five zombies at the intersection. Use your mini submachine gun."

"Got it."

After a bunch of bullets, the zombies were completely smashed. They were badly mutilated and their heads were nowhere to be found.

"The mini submachine gun is amazing. The bullets are not big, but powerful, with little rear resistance."

Lea put away the mini submachine gun and shook the shell cases that fell on her.

"It's tailor-made for you. Of course, it suits you."

"Attention, take your weapons and get off the car."

The armored car took a turn and arrived at the hospital.

Municipal People's Hospital of Riverside City.

Six red words on the roof were eye-catching.

"Take all the weapons with you, except for the grenades. I only need a Swiss army knife."

All the weapons referred to a mini dagger for women, a mini submachine gun for women, two G. Locke 17 guns, and two Swiss army knives.

"It's crowded 200 meters ahead. We'd better get off and walk." Alpha Dog had scanned the situation of the car 200 meters away.

"Okay, stop the car. Drive directly to the hospital if the road condition allows. Keep in touch. I will turn on the Bluetooth."

Harry ordered Alpha Dog.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the hospital, two giant zombies walked towards the hospital from the shops on the opposite side.

All of a sudden, the gate was in chaos again. Those who were brave wanted to rush out and those who were timid wanted to return. Everyone was struggling and crowded at the gate…

Bang! Bang!

James fired twice, and the giant zombies were bleeding profusely. Waving their long arms and slowly fell.

"Don't push, don't panic. Look, the rescue team has come." The middle-aged man who didn't look like a security guard tried his best to maintain order.

Seeing that James had killed the zombies with two bullets, he thought it was a rescue team sent by the government.

Looking at the security guard, Harry seemed to remember something…

"Are you Mr. Park?"

"My name is Park Green. How... How do you know me?" The man introduced himself.

"Don't say so much. You know how to use a gun, right?"

Harry already knew that he was a transmigrator, but he didn't have time to explain everything to him. He had to check the situation of the back door.

"Yes. I can use any gun."

"Okay... James, give him a G. Locke 17 gun and two cartridges, and then you are responsible for shooting zombies at the gate."

"Got it." James stood at the gate, holding his gun tightly.

"Mr. Park and Lea, you two follow me to the hospital." Harry waved his hand.

After taking the gun, Park followed them closely.

When the three of them arrived at the back door, there was no one there. At the stairway, a badly mutilated woman fell to the ground, with only one arm, lifeless.

"Harry, maybe the zombies are on the second floor."

Lea responded quickly and made a preliminary judgment.

"Yes, zombies must have invaded here. Lea, you and Mr. Park are responsible for the vigilance at the back door. Give me your dagger."

"Okay, I understand." Lea took out the dagger from her waist and handed it to Harry.

"Lea, be careful and teach Mr. Park how to kill a zombie."

Harry took the dagger and ran towards the second floor. He knew that there was still another transmigrator that hadn't been found in the hospital. He must kill all the zombies as soon as possible and then look for the transmigrator.

This dagger was a self-defense weapon for him to find the transmigrator.

When he arrived at the second floor following the blood on the ground, he walked past a room. A gust of cold wind blew from the back. Although it was not very strong, Harry had noticed it.

He bent down to dodge, followed by a back kick.


A giant mutated zombie has kicked five meters away.

That was close! If it weren't for my agility, I might have been killed.

Harry pulled out the Swiss army knife and approached the giant mutated zombie step by step. There was no trace of blood on it, which meant that the dead at the stairway was not killed by it. At the same time, Harry was sure that at least two mutated zombies were on the second floor.

The giant mutated zombie stood up with one hand and let out a "howl", waving his long arms towards him.

Shit, it seemed that it had already had eyesight and knew the position of the attack.

Harry dodge its attach and gave a sweeping leg. The giant mutant zombie knelt on the ground, making it much shorter, almost the same height as Harry.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The two long arms were cut off by the Swiss army knife in a second. Before the zombie could struggle, another knife was inserted into the heart and stirred. Then the knife was pulled out and blood burst out.

The zombie shook its head and kept howling as if looking for its enemy.


Harry stabbed the knife into the zombie's temple and the whole knife pierced through its head.

Slowly, it fell into a pool of blood.

He walked over, pulled out the Swiss army knife, and wiped the blood on the zombie's body. This series of actions were completed in just 10 seconds.