Chapter 23 Ballistics

At the back door of the hospital, Lea and Park were also busy.

Another five giant mutated zombies slowly came from the street at a speed of 2 meters per step and gradually approached them.

Bang! Bang!

As soon as he raised his hand, Park fired twice. The zombies were hit in the shoulder but did not fall. Instead, they became more furious and rushed over, howling.

"What's going on? They were hit but no blood, nothing. What's going on?"

Da… Da…

Lea leaned against the wall and shot wildly. The five giant mutated zombies instantly became bloody and mutilated. Their heads were smashed into pieces by the bullets. Only the blood mist in the air did not dissipate for a while.

Putting away the mini submachine gun, Lea explained:

"To destroy a zombie, you have to shoot its head and heart at the same time. Otherwise, they would only be angry."

"Oh, I see. How did you know?" Park was very curious.

"I don't know at the beginning. But I have learned from experience. By the way, why did Harry call you Mr. Park?"

There was no accident for the time being, so Lea chatted with him.

"I don't know. I don't even know how I came here."

"Then why are you a security guard?"

"What are you talking about? I just finished an academic report last night. I went back to the hotel and fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning, I found that I was standing at the gate of the hospital in a security uniform! When I saw the chaos at the gate, I tried to maintain order."

Park told Lea his story.

"Oh, I see. You are a transmigrator, like me." Lea nodded after thinking for a while.

"Like you? Do you mean you also come here for no reason?" He looked at Lea in surprise.

"Yes. But I came here a few days earlier than you, and Harry, who called you Mr. Park, too. But he was the first one to come here and has become the leader of our team."

Lea also briefly introduced the current situation.

"His name is Harry... Harry... Oh, I remember him. He attended a global ballistics seminar at the University of Alaska. He made a report on the" ballistics" at the meeting, which was known as the best thesis of that seminar, so I was deeply impressed."

" I was the special guest of the seminar. I guess he knows me in this way."

"Oh, I didn't expect him to be an outstanding young research expert," Lea said in a proud tone, with joy on her face.

"That's right. As expected, he will be the developer leading the world in the field of ballistics. Unfortunately, why did he come here?"

Heaving a sigh, Park felt sorry for Harry.

"Don't be upset. Look at the aggressive zombie virus. Maybe we came here to save people. It's not against scientific research. What do you think?"

Lea said.

"Maybe. Just follow Harry's orders and take action first." Park said.

"Here comes another zombie."

A huge mutated zombie appeared from the sidewall.

Lea raised the mini submachine gun. When she was about to shoot, she was stopped by Park.

"Wait a minute. I just knew the trick. Let me have a try this time."

"OK," Lea said, but still holding the mini submachine gun, ready to shoot at any time. After all, the zombie was very close to them.

Bang! Bang!

Park raised his gun and fired, without aiming.

Strangely, the two bullets accurately hit the heart and temple of the zombie. It fell to the ground like a piece of wood in an instant, unlike the previous one which fell to the ground after shaking a few times.

Lea didn't know Parks trick. But she knew that the only way to make zombies fall to the ground like that was to shoot accurately.

"You are so awesome. You can shoot a target precisely without aiming at it. It's incredible."

"It's not a big deal. It's such a short distance and such a big goal. It's very simple. I forgot to tell you that I'm an expert in guns and I'm studying ballistics."

He said indifferently, blowing the smoke from the muzzle of the gun.

Harry was right. All transmigrators were experts. Harry himself was also a leader of ballistics. It seemed that the preliminary savior was not that simple!

James was extremely busy at the gate. The crow didn't care about each other. On this crazy day, people also became crazy and there were many accidents of trampling.


With a scream, a little girl fell to the ground and was drowned in the crowd. The people in the courtyard began to push and curse crazily, wanting to rush out first.

They were just comforting themselves. They didn't know where was safe. Even if they rushed out of the hospital, where would they go?

The crazy people didn't have time to care about this. They just kept rushing out.

James couldn't bear the little girl's misery anymore. He shot the sky three times and warned in a loud voice:

"Don't push. Walk-in through the left door and walk out through the right door! Anyone who tramples others will be the next victim of my gun."

Hearing the gunshots, people quickly restored order. They knew clearly that if they didn't listen to the command, they would die. Then it would be meaningless to rush anymore.

"Yes, that's it. Don't rush. This is much better…"

Bang! Bang!

A zombie was killed as soon as it came out of the corner.

James fired two more shots in a row, which scared some people to squat and dare not move. They all thought that they had broken the rules.

"Don't be afraid. He just killed a monster. Let's continue to move forward in order."

A security guard shouted.

Suddenly, dozens of people came out from the first floor. They were tall and strong, and some of them had tattoos on their faces. They surrounded a stretcher which should be for the patients and their families.