Chapter 28 Clean up the Hospital

Harry had a good impression of Ross and walked to him with some food.

"Thank you. If you hadn't helped me, I would have died!"

Ross smiled sheepishly and said, "You're flattering me. That monster is very difficult to deal with. If it weren't for your reinforcements, we would have been trapped to death in the ward!"

Harry sat beside him, "I was in a hurry when I went downstairs. I haven't introduced myself. My name is Harry Bart, a student at the University of Alaska!"

Surprised, Ross asked in a low voice, "Harry, did you also travel through time?"

Harry smiled bitterly, "Not just me, but these three are also transmigrators."

Then he pointed in the direction of Lea and the others.

As the transmigrators in a strange place on this doomsday, they felt like old friends. They nodded to each other, and they became closer.

After greeting Lea and the others, Ross asked Harry in a hurry, "Harry, what's going on? I just participated in a martial arts competition last night. I went back to the hotel to have a rest. But when I opened my eyes, I found myself in this hospital with zombies!"

Seeing Harry had such a clear mind, Ross thought he knew something, so he asked anxiously.

Harry smiled bitterly. If only he could know what happened!

"I don't know what happened either. I traveled through time earlier than you, and I still couldn't figure out what happened. By chance, I found that I'm not the only one, so I gathered all the transmigrators, trying to figure out the world!"

Hearing this, Ross sighed with disappointment.

He thought he could know something from Harry, but he didn't know either.

"By the way, who are they?" Harry asked, pointing at the three survivors who were protected by Ross.

"Oh, they are just strangers! When I woke up this morning, I appeared in this hospital. The zombies had come here. I wanted to kill them, but I met them on the way for help, so I took them with me. However, on the third floor, I met the mantis zombie. We were forced to hide in that ward."

"Mantis?" Harry asked in confusion.

Ross nodded and said, "Its hand flesh has already fallen off, and its bones have also mutated. It's like two blades of a mantis. So I call it mantis zombie!"

"Sounds like it!" Harry recalled the scene when he fought with the zombie. The two blades were indeed troublesome.

As a transmigrator, Ross was so chivalrous. With his strength, it was not difficult for him to get out of the hospital, but he chose to help others. He was so chivalrous and brave!

"Do you have any plan for the future?" Harry asked.

A hint of confusion appeared in Ross's eyes. "I don't know. I've traveled here for no reason. I haven't decided what to do next!"

"In that case, why don't you join us? We are transmigrators. We should help each other!"

"Really? I can join you!" Ross's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Of course, we are very happy to have a master like you!"

Harry burst into laughter, thinking that this kid was so naive.

After resting for a while, Harry got to know the survivors that Ross had saved.

A middle-aged man in a suit, a fat uncle, and a little girl of 14 or 15.

The three of them were all frightened by the mantis zombie.

Thanks to Lea's care, they gradually came to their senses.

At night, James came back. They introduced each other, and James also had a good impression of Ross.

They all slept on the second floor for a night. The next morning, Harry made a follow-up plan.

This hospital was the third-class hospital in this city. It was fully equipped, an ideal place for Lea and Sally to make the vaccine. Therefore, Harry decided to take the hospital as the base for the time being.

To avoid danger, they needed to clean up the zombies in the hospital before starting the research on the vaccine.

Since there were a few more new members, Harry decided to split the team into two.

Harry, Ross, James, and the man in the suit were responsible for cleaning up zombies.

The rest stayed on the second floor to reinforce the defense, blocking the corridor on the first floor to prevent zombies outside from entering the hospital.

After making the plan, Harry went upstairs with his men.

The man in the suit was Joe. He was the boss of a listed company in this world. A few days ago, he came to this hospital with his mistress to have an abortion. Unexpectedly, the zombie crisis broke out and he was trapped in the hospital. He struggled for a few days before he met Ross and was saved by him.

Joe didn't want to clean up the zombies with Harry and others, but Harry insisted on taking him because he knew more about the hospital. Joe had no choice but to join the team.

Harry also had his worries. Joe looked like a bad guy. So, he couldn't leave him in Lea's team.

It was better to keep him than close to himself. Once there was something wrong, he could take control immediately!

After struggling in the apocalypse for such a long time, Harry had already overcome the unnecessary pity. He could treat his friends sincerely and be ruthless to his enemies!

They went up the stairs and cleaned up zombies floor by floor.

They were lucky enough to not encounter any tough zombies along the way. Harry, James, and Ross were all very powerful. The ordinary zombies were nothing to them.

The four of them went up to clean up the mess. During this period, Harry and James admired Ross's skills. The hospital was not suitable for guns, so the scene became the stage of Ross's. He walked in front of the team, with a dagger in his hand.

Every time he met a zombie, the blade light flashed, and the zombie's head fell to the ground. It was amazing.

Harry thought he was far superior to ordinary people in terms of speed and strength. However, Ross was much better than him in terms of moves.

Unconsciously, Harry had an impulse to learn martial arts from Ross.

In the apocalypse, one more skill could guarantee one more chance of survival.

In this way, they arrived at the sixth floor, which was the last floor to be cleaned!

The corridor was still dark and quiet. Four people entered in line, drawing a safe area first.

"The same way. Let's go to the left first! Joe, open the door. Ross, attack. James and me, cover!"

Without any objection, they immediately opened the nearest door.

"Roar!" A hoarse roar came from the room, and a rotten zombie staggered out of it.

With a light shout, Ross shot out the dagger in his hand and accurately hit the zombie's head.

In an instant, the zombie fell to the ground and the battle was over.