Chapter 29 An Accident

"Good job!"

"Ross, please teach us martial arts later!"

Harry and James praised Ross without hesitation.

Ross scratched his head shyly and agreed.

The three walked into the room, laughing and chatting. They continued to search for zombies and recorded the available materials in the room.

Since they had to establish a base in the hospital to develop a vaccine, they had to count the reserve of materials. After all, they might stay here for some time.

The three of them were in a good mood, but they didn't notice that Joe was standing behind them with a twisted face.

"Just a few stupid zombies. What's the big deal?"

Joe complained.

During these days in the hospital, he had killed several ordinary zombies. But he had to run for his life when he met the mantis zombie.

Among the survivors, the fat man and the little girl were the weak. So, only he and Ross could fight with zombies. Now that Ross's ability was recognized by the team leader, Joe was worried about his position.

He knew that in the apocalypse, everyone wanted to survive. If they couldn't make contributions to the team, they would be abandoned. The more outstanding Ross was, the more dangerous Joe felt.

"I have to show them my value!"

"Joe, what are you doing? Come in and count the supplies!" Seeing that Joe didn't come, Harry asked in confusion.

"We don't need so many people to count the materials. We have spent too much time here. Let's separate to improve the efficiency!"

Joe said and went to the next room.

Harry and the others felt nervous and followed him in a hurry.

"Are you crazy? There are still many zombies on this floor. We have to act together!"

But Joe didn't care at all. "Is it necessary? We should use the brain to kill zombies!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

In the quiet corridor, the knock echoed, which was very frightening.

They were on high alert to prevent any accident from happening.

After a while, no roar was heard in the room.

Joe laughed, "This room is empty. We don't have to be so careful!"

He pushed the door open and walked in.

Harry and the other two followed him in a hurry. As expected, the room was empty, and they didn't see any zombies.

This room was the assistant dean's office. It was large, and the decoration was very luxurious.

There were many exquisitely packaged gift boxes in the room, which seemed to be the holiday benefits the hospital prepared for the employees.

James picked one up quickly.

"Five-nuts moon cakes? The employees are going to vomit."

Ross didn't care. " Five-nuts moon cakes are very delicious. I like them the most!"

"All yours!" James said with a smile and threw the box to Ross.

Joe stood aside with a smug smile, "Let's search the rooms in this way later. If there are zombies in the room, they will roar as long as we knock on the door. There is no need to be so nervous."

Harry frowned at Joe's arrogant attitude.

Noticing Harry's displeasure, Ross became the peacemaker.

"Joe is right. As long as we hear the roar, we can make preparations in advance in case we are caught off guard!"

Harry didn't say anything more and held back his anger.

Joe didn't know what was going on. He thought his smartness was appreciated.

"You count the supplies first. I'm going to the bathroom. I've been busy all day and I'm going to explode!"

Then he pushed the door of the bathroom open.

The moment the door was opened, the expressions of Harry and Ross changed at the same time. They heard light footsteps coming from the bathroom.

"Ah!" Then came a scream of Joe. A beautiful zombie in a sexy uniform rushed out of the bathroom and pressed Joe to the ground.

She opened her mouth and bit Li's throat hard.

Joe screamed in panic. His survival instinct made him hold the chin of the zombie tightly. This time, he escaped.

Harry and Ross jumped up and lifted the beautiful zombie from him.

With a wave of his dagger, Ross killed it.

The thick blood splashed all over Joe's body. He screamed again and quickly took off his clothes and threw them aside.

Harry cursed in a low voice and threw the corpse aside. Then he looked into the bathroom. There was a broken rope on the beam of the bathroom.

Ross squatted beside the body and examined it carefully. "Her feet were bitten by a zombie. This should be the reason for her change."

Harry nodded, "She changed slowly. I guess she didn't want to become a zombie, so she hung herself in the bathroom. But I didn't expect that she still became a zombie even if she had died!"

"She hung herself up. Her throat was cut by the rope. No wonder she couldn't scream!"

At this time, the zombies on the whole floor were attracted by Joe's scream. They roared and knocked on the door, making it more difficult to clean it up.

James was hot-tempered. He grabbed Joe's collar and lifted him.

"Weren't you very brave just now? If we didn't hear the roar, it's an empty room. Why don't you talk now? Because of your foolishness, we have to face more zombies! You retard!"

Being scolded by James, Joe was speechless. His face turned pale, and he was so ashamed.

Harry wasn't as good-tempered as he used to be. He stared at Joe coldly and said, "I'm warning you for the last time. If you act without permission in the future, I'll kick you out of the team!"

"Alright, James. Joe didn't mean to do that. Besides, we know more about the habits of zombies now, right? Zombies can't make a roar with a broken throat. We can be on guard in the future!"

Ross was kind-hearted by nature and was still trying to put in a good word for Joe.

With a snort, James threw Joe aside and cursed in a low voice, "Stupid!"

In the face of accusation, Joe was already ashamed. At this moment, Ross's words sounded like pity to him.

As the boss of a listed company, Joe had a great life. In front of him, Harry and others were just insignificant ants.

But today, these ants dared to climb on his head and command him arrogantly, and Ross dared to pity him.

An evil fire was burning inside his body.

"Go on with the cleaning!"

Harry ignored him and walked out of the room with his men.

Joe didn't say anything and slowly followed the three out, but no one noticed that he secretly put a magnetic card from the office into his pocket.

All the zombies on the sixth floor were alarmed, which made the cleaning work troublesome. After half an hour, five rooms were finally cleaned up.

Harry wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"By the way, Joe, didn't you say that you often come to this hospital? Aren't you familiar with all the facilities here? Let me ask you, where is the laboratory?"

Harry's voice echoed in the corridor, but there was no response for a long time.

The three of them were confused. They turned around and saw that Joe had already retreated to the staircase.