Chapter 30 The Real Joe

"Why are you going there? Didn't you hear the boss?"

James didn't like Joe at all. Plus, Joe couldn't help them, causing a lot of trouble, which made him even angrier at him.

Joe raised his head slowly with a ferocious and horrible smile on his face.

Harry realized something and shouted, "Joe, what do you want to do?"

"How dare you look down upon me! I'll let you pay a price!"

After saying that, he suddenly inserted the magnetic card stolen from the office into a slot at the stairs.

A pleasant sound of the doors opening came from the corridor. Every door on the sixth floor was slowly opened.

"Damn it! It's the general control system!" Harry shouted.

This was the VIP inpatient department, and every room was locked. To prevent the magnetic card from being unable to open the door, a general control system was set on each floor to open all the doors on the same floor.

The zombies in the wards had already been disturbed by the screams of Joe. Now when all the doors were opened. They smelled the blood and flesh from Harry and others. Immediately, they rushed out like sharks who were smelling of blood, roaring and pouncing on the three.

Joe let out a creepy laugh and locked the stair door from the outside.

All the equipment of this hospital was very sophisticated, and the stair door was made of pure steel. Even Harry couldn't open it easily.

At this time, on both sides of the corridor, the zombies flooded out, at least 300 of them.

With a roar, Ross pulled out his dagger from the back and slashed at the zombies. His skill was so exquisite that no zombie could escape.

Harry and James worked together on the other side.

Although they were brave and strong, it was too narrow for them to move. No matter how good they were, once they were sandwiched by zombies, they might die.

"Go back to the office!"

Harry was not afraid of danger and made a judgment at once. He shouted, gathered all his strength, and kicked the zombie in front of him.

Perhaps his survival instinct stimulated his potential, this kick was full of power. It directly kicked the zombie away and knocked over a dozen more zombies.

Regardless of bullet-bouncing, James picked up the submachine gun and shot crazily.

The zombies fell immediately. They rushed to the office.

James ran into the office first and shot the two zombies who squeezed in. Then he put his hands against the door and was ready to close it at any time.

Harry rushed in the second and shouted, "Ross, come in!"

Gritting his teeth, Ross waved his dagger to cut off the heads of three zombies in front of him. Then he hurried back and rushed into the office.

But the zombies were too close, and several who were pushed to the ground grabbed his ankles.

Caught off guard, Ross was pulled to the ground.

The zombies became crazier. It climbed up with a roar and was about to bite Ross's foot.

The zombie virus could be spread by saliva. Once bitten by a zombie, the infected rate was 100%.

Although Ross was good at martial arts, he was caught off guard and fell to the ground. He didn't have time to react and thought he was doomed.

At this critical moment, Harry shouted and pounced on the zombie, blocking it with his arm.

The zombie was not a picky eater. It doesn't matter whose meat it is and took a bite.

Harry's face turned pale.

The sharp pain aroused his ferocity, and he punched the zombie on the face with the other hand.

He was so strong that the zombie's face was sunken with a punch.

Several rotten teeth popped out, and it was also knocked back.

James hurriedly closed the door and locked it.

"Harry!" Seeing that Harry was bitten by the zombie to save him, Ross felt as if a knife were piercing his heart. He rushed to him with a cry.

"It should be me, not you!"

Ross held Harry tightly. He had never thought that if Harry was infected with the virus and mutated, he would have no way to escape from this position.

Ross's wail echoed in Harry's ears. Harry was moved.

He didn't expect that Ross's friendship with him would be so sincere after they had just known each other for one day.

"All right, all right." Harry coughed to hide his feelings and pushed him away.

"If you were a beautiful girl, I would let you hold me. But it's disgusting to be hugged by a man!"

With tears in his eyes, Ross stared blankly at the calm Harry.

Harry smiled and rolled up his sleeve.

There was a thick magazine wrapped with tape on his arm. Although the zombie had a strong bite, it didn't pierce the whole magazine.

"Harry... Harry, you are okay!" From shock to joy, Ross didn't know how to face it for a moment. After a moment of fear, he couldn't help cursing, "Why did you scream so miserably just now? I thought you were bitten!"

Harry rolled his eyes at Ross and said, "Although the zombie didn't bite me, the bite was so strong that it hurts. You can have a try to see if you will scream!"

Hearing this, Ross smiled innocently and helped Harry up from the ground.

The door of the office was slammed by zombies. Under their knock, the door trembled violently, seeming to be unable to hold on for too long.

James pulled a cabinet over to block the door.

"Boss, make a plan if you are fine! When the zombies break through the door, we'll be dead! When I get out, I'll twist off that bastard's head!"

Although he was calm and didn't seem to worry about Harry, Harry still saw the worry on his face.

Harry was deeply touched. As the saying went, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." They had a shocking experience today, and the friendship between the three of them became stronger.

But now was not the time to be moved.

Harry looked at the shaking door and frowned.

"Alpha Dog, scan the sixth floor. How many zombies are there!"

"There are 286 of them in total, but no mutated zombies!"

"Unlock the construction drawing of the hospital and send it to this laptop!"

Harry gave an order to Alpha Dog and asked James to turn on the computer.

"Boss, what time is it? No time for gaming!"

James didn't know what Harry wanted to do, but he still turned on the computer.

The construction drawing of the hospital soon appeared on the screen. Harry stared at the construction of the outer wall and kept thinking about the escape route.

"It's useless. The glass of the outer wall is bulletproof. It's impossible to open it from the outside!" Ross seemed to see through Harry's plan and reminded him in a hurry.

Harry frowned and didn't say anything. A moment later, he slapped his thigh hard.

"I know! James, there is a hidden room here. Go and make the sheets into a rope!"

Harry pointed at a wall and shouted.

James immediately ran up and opened a hidden door.

There were a variety of sex products in the room. It seemed that the chair often talked with his assistant all night long here!

"Damn it! What the"

James cursed and took out a dagger to cut the sheet into pieces and drenched it into a rope.