Chapter 35 Falcon Eyes

After smoking, Harry got on the car and made a gesture to the car behind him. With a roar of the engine, two cars rushed out of the broken hospital.

After several days' observation, Harry found out that although zombies were not afraid of sunshine, they still hated light. Therefore, fewer zombies appear in the street at noon. That was why Harry deliberately delayed for so long and didn't set out until noon.

There were only a few zombies on the street. They were shocked by the sound of the armored car and rushed over madly.

"Don't let them block our way!"

Harry immediately gave an order. Although the car could directly crash the zombies, it could be stained with blood. Harry didn't want to waste water on washing cars on doomsday!

"Okay!" James was excited to hear that. He opened the window, half of his body stretched out of the car, holding a submachine gun, and shot at the oncoming zombies.

James's shooting skill was the best in the team. Every zombie he saw was killed immediately.

"Kill one zombie, point +1"

"Kill one zombie, point +1"

"Kill one zombie"

More and more zombies were killed, and more and more points Harry got.

He checked the property panel:

Identity: preliminary savior.

Physical strength: 16

Strength: 16

Agility: 16

Endurance: 16

Points: 8,980

Skill: Preliminary Survival Skills.

Vehicle: BRDM2 armored car.

Yesterday, he used 3,000 points to upgrade the car. Now his points had dropped a lot. It seemed that he had to kill more zombies to get more points!

Harry was thinking when he heard the voice of Alpha Dog.

"Warning! A mutated zombie is approaching. Please keep alert!"

"Mutated zombie!" Harry was surprised. He looked out of the window, but only saw the ruins. He couldn't see the specific location of the mutated zombie at once.

"Mark the position of the mutated zombie!"

After seeing the gorilla zombie last night, Harry didn't dare to underestimate the strength of these monsters and immediately ordered.

"The map information is being transmitted to car screen."

The screen flickered and a city map appeared. Harry's two cars, two green dots, were speeding on the street. The ordinary zombies were light red dots. As James kept shooting, the light red dots disappeared one by one.

On the street on their left, a dark red dot was approaching them quickly.

"Something is coming!" Lea pointed at the screen and shouted.

Before she could finish her words, she heard a loud bang. The street on her left side exploded with a loud bang. An incomparably fast zombie pounced out and was about to bite James, who was half out of the car.

James was caught off guard and couldn't dodge. When the zombie was about to bite him, Harry grabbed his belt and pulled him back into the armored car.

The mutated zombie missed and crashed into a shop on the other side of the street.

The zombie was very strong. It quickly got up and continued to chase the armored car. Seeing that Harry's car had closed the door, he began to attack the next car.

It was so fast that he could even catch up with the speed of the armored car. It kept hitting from the side. Fortunately, the car was heavy enough not to be knocked over.

"Stop the car and kill it!" Harry roared, grabbed a submachine gun, got out of the car with James.

As soon as the mutated zombie saw two living people come, it immediately rushed towards them.

Harry and James stood side by side, shooting towards it. Their shooting skills were both excellent. And the mutated zombie was quickly shot through the heart and brain and fell to the ground.

James couldn't help but feel scared after killing this enemy. The mutated zombie came too quickly. If Harry hadn't pulled him back into the car in time, he would have died.

Harry realized that although Alpha Dog could locate the position of the zombie, there was still a delay time for transferring the images to the car. If the specific position of the mutated zombie couldn't be determined quicker, they might not be so lucky next time.

"Alpha Dog, is there any way to mark the location of zombies in real-time?"

"I suggest you upgrade a pair of glasses. You can use them to see the information of zombies immediately!"

"Glasses!" Harry murmured. He happened to see a glasses shop on the street.

He picked up a pair of sunglasses and bought a glass refit card from the system shop with 3,000 points.

Now Harry had only more than 6,000 points left.

"Damn it! This card costs the same as the car refit card! I hope it won't let me down!"

He put his glasses and the upgrade card into his pocket and urged them to continue going. The noise before had awakened many zombies. If they stayed any longer, they would be surrounded by zombies.

Five minutes later, the glasses upgrade was completed.

Harry quickly took out the sunglasses from his pocket and found that the cheap sunglasses had become very smart, just like those in the movie.

Harry put on the glasses nervously.

As a soft light flashed, a high-tech interface appeared in front of Harry.

Many other uses waiting for Harry to explore by himself.

Harry cheered up and suddenly recalled a movie he had watched. In the movie, the hero was dressed in high-tech armor. His helmet protector showed an interface, which was similar to this one in his eyes.

"Harry, where are we going now?" Ross was not good at using weapons, so he was responsible for driving.

Harry touched the frame of his glasses gently. The next moment, he saw the location of all the zombies within five miles around.

"Drive to the right and go around this building! There are fewer zombies on the right!"

"Okay!" Without any hesitation, Ross turned and drove towards the right street.

As Harry said, there were only some common zombies wandering on the right street and they were quickly killed by James.

Seeing this, Harry was overjoyed. He named his glasses eyes Eagle Eyes. With this pair of glasses, they would not be so easily attacked by mutated zombies in the future!

With the help of Eagle Eyes, the cars passed through the city center and did not encounter too many obstacles.

During this period, they worked together and killed a lot of zombies, including some mutated zombies.

After killing one more mutated zombie, the voice of Alpha Dog sounded again.

"Congratulations. You have successfully killed 20 mutated zombies. You have achieved the goal."

"System reward: body strengthening drug +1, nerve strengthening drug +1, nicknamed preliminary zombie hunter."

"There is a reward for killing mutated zombies!"

Harry was overjoyed.