Chapter 36 Increasing Team Power

It was getting late. In the evening, the zombies were more active. Harry didn't want to take any risk, so he found a safe office building and led the team to clean out a safe room for rest.

After a whole day's journey, people like Gary were all tired. They immediately cleaned the room and began to cook.

Before the apocalypse, Gary was a chef of a five-star hotel. Although he didn't have good tools now, he made a delicious and appetizing dinner.

After having dinner, everyone found somewhere to rest, preparing for tomorrow's journey.

At this time, Lea quietly left the team and entered another room.

Harry was confused and followed her quietly. He saw Lea set up a desk and she was practicing fighting.

Before she came to this world, she was a beautiful girl who loved sports. She had learned boxing for several years, and her fighting skills were excellent among ordinary girls. However, in this world, facing the apocalypse monsters and those who had bad intentions, she realized that she was not strong enough.

Just like dealing with the mutated zombie that suddenly appeared today, she could do nothing to help.

As an excellent girl, she didn't want to be a burden to the team, so she sneaked out to practice.

Seeing her sweating efforts, Harry felt both sorry and gratified.

"The fighting skills you learned in school were useless. Stop practicing!"

Seeing that her secret was exposed, Lea blushed with shyness and explained, "I just can't fall asleep, so I come to exercise!"

Harry walked up to her and said, "It's a good thing to train hard for the team. There's no need to hide it!"

Lea sighed and said in an aggrieved tone, "But what's the use of it? I'm a member of the battle group, but every time I feel useless when facing mutated zombies!"

Harry patted her head lovingly and said, "Don't worry. Leave it to me!"

Then he asked Alpha Dog, "Can you hack into the international network and find out some fighting skills suitable for Lea?"

"The combat training is not an important secret for any country. Easy!"

As time went by, Alpha Dog became more and more advanced, and it was no longer as mechanical as it was at the beginning.

A few minutes later, a set of fighting skills of the women's special force appeared in Harry's Eagle-Eye glasses.

Harry took out a smartphone he found on the street and handed it to Lea. He transmitted the fighting skills to the phone and said, "You can practice with this phone. I promise you will become a master soon!"

Lea had a bottle of physical drink before, so she was already stronger than ordinary people. It would be so much easier for her to practice her fighting skills!

"By the way, call Ross here. He is the superpower of our team. I need to make him stronger!"


Before long, Ross came. Lea ran to the other side and began to practice her fighting skills.

"Harry, you want me?" Ross looked innocent and lovely.

Harry laughed, took out the task reward from his pocket, and handed it to him. "Drink this! You will be much stronger!"

Now, Ross trusted Harry very much. Without hesitation, he drank it up.

He trembled a little, then he opened his eyes, and a sharp light shot out from them.

With a crisp sound, the black dagger behind him was unsheathed. A dazzling light appeared, instantly splitting the table into pieces.

Looking at this, Ross looked at his hand in disbelief. "What a magical drink! It instantly caused my breakthrough to reach a higher level!"

Harry was also stunned. The physical drink could increase speed, strength, and reaction, but he didn't expect that it could also make a breakthrough for a warrior. Was Ross a big character with extraordinary talent?

Although Harry felt a bit jealous, he still felt happy because the strength of the team could be increased. He called James and Jack, too.

Alpha Dog got another set of fighting skills suitable for them and let them practice.

Harry pulled Ross aside and began to ask him about the martial arts.

Everyone had his or her fighting skills. James, Jack, and Lea had received systematic training before. But Harry was different. He was a technician who had never received any fighting training.

Now, with the help of physical drinks, he was much stronger than ordinary people. He had a lot of potentials, so it's a good time for him to learn martial arts.

After carefully examining Harry, Ross thought he had great potential for learning martial arts. He began to teach Harry step by step.

The five people didn't stop until midnight. Although it wasn't a long time, their combat ability had been greatly improved.

Now that the situation was urgent, Harry couldn't know what difficulties they would encounter in the future. So, they must improve their fighting power as soon as possible to deal with strong enemies.

When everyone fell asleep, Harry lay on a blanket and took out a bottle of nerve drink.

As the leader of the team, he had to enhance his strength to protect his teammates.

Having made up his mind, Harry drank it up.

All of a sudden, all the nerves in Harry's brain seemed to be activated. The huge change made his body tremble and his mind blank.

This feeling of loss made Harry feel uncomfortable. He wanted to get up, but he found that he had lost control of his body.

Then, a sense of dizziness swept over his whole brain. Harry was lying on the ground, but he felt the world spinning. He was about to vomit.

Fortunately, it did not last long. About half a minute later, everything returned to normal.

Harry opened his eyes and felt that his five senses became sharper. Even in the dim light, he could see Ross's nose slowly undulating because of his breath.

He could smell the scent of the delicious dinner cooked by Gary a few hours ago.

He could hear the breathing of Lea and the other two women.

He clenched his fists and felt his sense of touch also sharpen.

At this moment, Harry felt that he had never been so sober in his life. Some of his childhood memories were presented in his mind.

The nerves drink not only strengthened Harry's senses but also improved his memory!

Harry felt like he was going to be a superman!

"Great!" Harry laughed and lay down again.

With his perception now, even if he was in deep sleep, he could react immediately in case of any emergency.

He was glad that he didn't have to be so vigilant.

The title of hunter zombie could cause more damages to zombies when he wore it.

In this way, he could kill zombies more easily in the future!

Last night, the chimpanzee zombie frightened Harry for a long time. However, now that his strength had increased, he finally felt relieved.

If he could evolve faster than zombies, they won't be that powerful after all.