Chapter 38 Don't Blame My Ruthlessness

Countless zombies were rushing to Harry's group from two sides, about 3,000.

Facing so many zombies and not knowing the power of the cars, Park and others immediately panicked.

"Harry, what should we do now?"

Unlike them, Harry didn't look panic, but excited.

"Mr. Park, don't be afraid. Get in the car and let's go!"

They immediately got into the armored cars and closed the door.

With the roar of the engine, two cars sped out, heading to the zombies on the left.

The cars were full of power, like a tank, and the zombies on the way were all crushed into meat paste.

"Lea, James, start shooting, kill the zombies in front of us,"

Harry shouted. Although the cars were powerful, they couldn't get out in a short time facing so many zombies. If the wheels were stuck by the broken limbs, they would have no way out!

As soon as he finished speaking, the three pushed open the shooting holes. The bullets poured out, killing the zombies in front of the cars.

They fought for half a time and finally got out of there.

Looking at the roaring zombies behind her, an angry look appeared on Lea's face. "Just because we don't take them away, they want to kill us?"

Human nature is unpredictable. A little girl like her can't imagine it.

Ross sighed helplessly, seeming to despise Tiger's behavior. "Boss, let's go. Don't be caught up by zombies again!"

"Don't worry. They can't catch up with us!" With a fierce look on his face, Harry turned around and looked at Tigers building in the distance.

"Are you planning to take revenge? Forget it. It's too dangerous! Anyway, they are blocked by zombies now. Sooner or later, they will die!"

Lea persuaded.

Harry shook his head and said, "They could lock zombies in the warehouses once, they can do it twice. Do you remember what I said? Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to our people. If they are ruthless, don't blame my ruthlessness! As our enemy, they have to face destruction!"

Harry said and touched his Eagle Eyes, "Alpha Dog, hack into the main control of that building and open the power door downstairs!"

"Yes, sir!"

Soon, a sound of mechanical friction came from the building in the distance.

The security door of Tigers building was suddenly opened. The crowded zombies had already smelled the scent of living people upstairs. At this moment, they rushed into the door.

Screams came from the building.

Harry transmitted the scene to his car screen. Tiger and his people didn't expect that the door would open automatically, so they were taken aback by zombies.

Tiger once again showed his selfishness. He knocked over one of his underlings and pushed him to the zombies.

The hungry zombies immediately ate up that man.

Tiger took advantage of this opportunity and ran upstairs.

But before he could run far, the rest of the underlings ran to the second floor at full speed.

How long could a living person block the zombies? More zombies ran up the stairs.

The slow people were immediately fell to the ground, dead in an instant.

Tiger was stronger and faster than others and quickly ran to the top floor. There was a huge safe house whose door was made of pure steel, more than half a meter thick. If he could hide inside, he could save his life!

Unfortunately, he was late. As soon as he reached the door of the safe house, he was knocked down to the ground by zombies who were chasing after him.

After all, zombies were zombies, they didn't know tiredness. They wouldn't slow down because of exhaustion.

Tiger screamed and pushed the zombies hard.

But he had almost used up all his strength to climb so many floors. How could he push them away?

When he was about to die, a black figure rushed over quickly, and a white bone spur pierced through the corpse pressed on Tiger's body.

"Mantis!" Harry and the others exclaimed in unison when they saw the owner of the bone spur.

The zombie with bone spurs on its arms looked like the mantis zombie they met when they saved Ross.

"How is it possible? These zombies were locked in the warehouse without eating people. How could they evolve into the mutated zombies?" Ross exclaimed. He had witnessed the growth of the mantis zombie. During that period, the ordinary zombie ate a lot of people to be a mantis zombie.

But the next moment, Ross closed his mouth, on the screen, the mantis was biting the zombie hanging on its bone spur. It raised its head and tore off a large piece of flesh.

These zombies had been trapped in the warehouse for a long time and had already been starving to death. The mantis zombie could not help but bite its fellow.

Harry's face turned pale. It turned out that the evolution of zombies was not limited to living people. If they were hungry enough, they could also eat their kind!

If so, even if the zombie virus was completely cut off in the future, they would still evolve!

However, zombies' meat was not as delicious as living men. The mantis threw the ordinary zombie aside. Then it pounced on Tiger.

The next moment, blood splattered everywhere, and broken limbs flew in all directions. Tiger finally paid for his mistake.

As it ate Tiger, Harry and the others saw its bone spur change at a visible speed.

The luster was brighter, like two steel knives.

"No, this mutated mantis has some low intelligence and knows which meat is better. If we leave now, it might follow us to the suburb with other zombies. So many zombies may cause a huge impact on the defense of the suburb!"

Lea looked back at Harry.

Just now, he ignored her dissuasion and let the zombies attack the survivors. Lea was a little scared. She was afraid that Harry would become a cold-blooded butcher in the apocalypse.

But when she saw him so concerned about the suburban defense, she was finally relieved.

Harry didn't change. He was still the gentle boy who loved the world. His cold-blooded only aimed at his enemies. He would show his tenderness to his friends, and even to strangers.

"OK. Harry, I'm on your side!"

Ross was the first one to show his support.

Harry took a deep breath and said, "Alpha Dog, look for some powerful explosives! I want to kill them at once!"

"Searching for strong explosives. Please wait a moment..."

A few seconds later, a topographic map appeared in Harry's Eagle Eyes. A dark green light suddenly flashed in the place which was a ten-minute drive away from them.

"I have detected that there is a broken oil tank car there, which can cause a huge explosion!"

"Transmit the route!"

As Harry spoke, he picked up the communication device in the car and said, "Mr. Park, I'll give you a location. You go there and wait. We'll handle these zombies first!"

"Okay, be careful. We'll wait for you there!" Mr. Park replied and took the car away.

Harry ordered Ross to drive back. He took out an intercom and turned on the loudspeaker to the maximum volume.

"Ahem!" He coughed slightly and then shouted at zombies, who were surrounding the building in the distance, "All zombies, look at me! You ugly monsters! I have ten people in my car and hundreds of pounds of meat waiting for you to eat. If you dare, come over!"