Chapter 39 A Trap

Harry's voice was amplified and echoed in the street. The zombies surrounding the survivors immediately noticed them.

There were only dozens of survivors, which was not enough for the hungry zombies. So, when they smelled Harry's team, they immediately rushed towards the car like sharks smelling blood.

"How nice!"

Looking at the zombies, Harry said with a strange smile.


Lea shouted, and Ross realized what had happened. He stepped on the gas and hit the steering wheel hard. The tires of the car made a harsh noise when they rubbed against the ground. The car circled and rushed out.

Through the Eagle Eyes, Harry could see a lot of zombies behind them, more than 3,000. Moreover, as they ran wildly, more and more zombies joined them, now more than 5,000!

"So many zombies! If we can kill all of them, I can get lots of points!" Harry was excited and nervous. After all, there were so many zombies following them, and if something went wrong, they would be in great danger.

The others in the car thought the same. Even the fearless and skilled Ross didn't dare to relax. He stared at the screen and sped forward.

Fortunately, the car was very powerful, and it moved fast. Soon, the zombies were far behind them. These monsters couldn't catch up with them soon.

"Warning! Warning! A mutated zombie is approaching!"

Just when they were relieved a little, suddenly Alpha Dog said to Harry.

A dark red dot was rushing over from the nearby street at an extremely fast speed.

"Watch out! There is a mutated zombie at the street corner!" Harry shouted.

But immediately, a black mutated zombie rushed out from the opposite corner of the street.

It didn't want to walk like ordinary zombies. It stood on the ground with four limbs. And its body was changed dramatically: Its legs were strong powerful, and its forelimbs were slender and bent, like a dark cheetah.

Suddenly, it pounced on the car and hit the car's side. The huge impact caused the car to shake with a loud bang.

The people inside all fell in different directions. Ross almost lost control of the steering wheel and crashed the car into a small shop on the roadside.

"What the hell is it? It's so powerful!" James felt dizzy and cursed.

"It's a strong zombie who can run very fast, but it doesn't have sharp teeth or claws. Maybe not destructive!" Harry struggled to stand up and analyze the situation.

The mutated zombies he had encountered before either had two bone spurs like the mantis zombie or had a powerful body like the chimpanzee zombie.

The cheetah zombie moved very fast and was very strong, but with no attacking methods. It seemed that each zombie's evolution had its advantages and shortcomings.

"Not very destructive? Normal people would have been knocked down by its impact just now!"

James tried his best to stabilize himself and complained.

"Boss, what should we do now? If it continues, we will be knocked over. Not only this damn thing but also the whole group behind it is difficult to deal with!" Ross also felt tricky. From the rearview mirror, he saw that the cheetah zombie had caught up again, and it was much faster than their car.

"Keep driving. James, Lea, and I begin shooting. Don't let it slow us down!"


The three of them lifted the shooting path of the armored car, took up their guns, and stuck out their bodies, aiming at the cheetah zombie and shooting crazily.

However, the cheetah zombie was too agile. It dodged and kept changing its running path. The bullets didn't touch it at all.

"Damn it! How can it be more agile than a monkey?" James cursed and changed the magazine to continue shooting.

But this could only slow it down and could not stop it.

Harry was furious. He took a deep breath and said, "Lea, James, shoot on both sides. Force it to the middle of the road. I'll take care of the rest!"

"Okay!" The two immediately responded, and then picked up their guns to shoot on both sides, gradually forcing the cheetah zombie to the middle of the road.

Harry calmed down and stared at the cheetah zombie.

As his attention was focused, the movement of the cheetah zombie seemed to be getting slower and slower.

Harry was surprised that the nerves drug could do this. It was not that the cheetah zombie slowed, but that Harry reacted faster.

"The zombie has strong hind limbs and moves as fast as a cheetah. But the faster it is, the greater the pressure it will bear, just like a tight spring. Once the tightened spring is under external force, even a little bit force, it will instantly break!"

Harry murmured to himself, seeing that cheetah zombie fell to the ground and exposed its knee joints.

"Now!" Harry roared and suddenly widened his eyes. With the sound of the gun, a bullet whizzed out and accurately hit the right knee of the cheetah zombie.

It let out a strange cry and immediately fell to the ground. Because of its fast speed, the huge inertia made it roll meters away.

Its right knee joint was shot, so it struggled but could not stand up.

Behind it, more and more zombies flooded through. The ordinary zombies had no intelligence, so they ignored the cheetah zombie and stepped on it.

The cheetah zombie was trampled to death by countless zombies.

"Killing one mutated zombie, point +20!"

"Awesome!" James couldn't help but praise Harry's marksmanship.

He couldn't believe that he could hit the knee of a zombie more than ten meters away at such a fast speed.

"Ha-ha, it's just luck!" Harry rubbed his nose awkwardly but felt very proud.

"Boss, here we are. There is an overturned oil tank car in front of us!" Ross said. The three of them looked back in a hurry and saw countless broken cars squeezing together on the street. A huge oil tank car was turned over on the side of the road. Black gasoline was gurgling out, and the whole street was filled with a strong smell of gasoline.

"It's a miracle that it's not lit up!" James sighed.

"It should be after the crisis of zombie virus broke out that the oil tank overturned!" Harry guessed.

"Ross, stop beside the tank!"

Ross immediately stopped beside the oil tank.

Harry took out a bottle of medical alcohol and soaked a piece of gauze into it. Then he hung the bottle on the tank and lit the gauze.

"Run!" Harry shouted after he finished.

Ross didn't dare to stay for too long. He immediately drove away.

The armored car didn't stop until it was 1,000 meters away. They pushed open the shooting range and waited excitedly.

The ground rumbled, and thousands of zombies rushed over like a flood. Soon they arrived near the oil tank.

"It's time to test our shooting skills. The target is the medical alcohol bottle 1,000 meters away!"

Harry gave the order and they all shot at the same time.