Chapter 40 A Huge Harvest

The bottle was only the size of a fist, and it was almost invisible 1,000 meters away. It was not easy to aim from such a distance.

But Harry didn't want to get too close. After all, it was in an oil tank! Once exploded, it could cause a huge impact. Moreover, even the heat waves and high temperatures caused by the explosion could kill them directly.

They shot several times but missed. Harry was a little anxious.

James took a deep breath, kissed the gun in his hand, and shouted: "Lucky Goddess is with me. " Then he fired.

Maybe it was because he was good at shooting, or maybe it was because Lucky Goddess was with him. With a bang, the medical alcohol bottle broke into pieces, and the flames ignited the gasoline, instantly setting off a big fire.

The flames were like snakes, winding towards the oil tank.


Harry urged Ross to drive. The armored car was activated again and rushed into the street corner.

"Boom!" A deafening explosion was heard. They felt that their ears were rumbling, and no other sounds could be heard.

The earth began to shake. The heatwave caused by the explosion shattered the windows of the houses within hundreds of miles around.

Even though they were 1,000 meters away and were blocked by a building, they still felt dry and thirsty, as if half of the water in their bodies had evaporated by the heatwave.

A giant fire pillar soared into the sky, and the dark smoke turned into a small mushroom cloud.

Those zombies close to the tank were smashed into pieces, and those zombies far away were submerged in the fire.

Even the mutated zombies couldn't withstand the explosion, and they all died.

After a long time, Harry still felt his ears ringing and the sound around her couldn't be heard clearly.

"Killing one zombie, point +1"

"Killing one zombie, point +1"

"Killing one mutated zombie, point +20"

"Killing one zombie"

The system was sounding. When Harry came to his senses. His points had once again surpassed five figures, reaching a new record of 12,359!

He shook his head hard and his hearing finally recovered a little. He asked his companions, "Are you all right?"

Even though he raised his voice, Harry still couldn't hear his own words.

Lea and the others couldn't hear clearly, either. But fortunately, none of them was injured.

"Hurry up! The fire is coming!" Harry patted Ross on the shoulder.

Ross nodded. He had been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and his physical quality was better than ordinary people. Now he had recovered a lot. He quickly stepped on the gas and drove towards the direction of Mr. Park.

After a long time, James shook his dizzy head and said, "Boss, we'd better not blow up more oil tanks in the future. The zombies are not dead but I'm deaf!"

Harry rolled his eyes at him. He didn't know how powerful the explosion could be!

"Fortunately, our bodies have been strengthened. Otherwise, the vibration would have killed us!" Lea was a talented student, so she knew how dangerous it was.

"It's dangerous, but it feels great, isn't it?" Ross, who had been driving silently, suddenly laughed. There was some excitement in his tone.

The three of them were surprised. They didn't expect that Ross, who had always been calm, could be so wild in his heart.

The four looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Yes, although it was dangerous, it was very exciting! Their blood seemed to boil.

"Although your bodies have been strengthened, you are still not as strong as me. You'd better have a good rest. I'll call you when we arrive!"

Ross said thoughtfully after he laughed.

"Okay then, thank you!" Sitting on the passenger seat, James laughed and patted Ross on the shoulder.

Although Ross was young and shy, he was very reassuring.

Harry knew that Ross had been practicing martial arts since he was a child, so he knew better than others about the human body. The vibration of the explosion might cause resonance of the internal organs, and the injury was not easily noticed, which was also called internal injury. So, he didn't dare to be careless, quickly calmed down, and began to rest.

It was quiet in the car. The excitement just now made Harry energetic and unable to fall asleep, so he checked his reward for killing.

He almost fainted when he saw it. In addition to a lot of point rewards, there were also rewards of achievement.

"Congratulations! You have killed more than 5,000 zombies! You are rewarded with a golden dagger!"

"Congratulations! You have killed more than 30 mutated zombies! You are rewarded with a set of primary protective clothing."

"Golden dagger!"

Harry was sober and hurriedly took out the dagger from the reward warehouse.

A dagger with a scabbard appeared in Harry's hand. The dagger was slightly heavy, and the scabbard matched the dagger. A fierce black beast was engraved on the scabbard, but it was not a dragon.

The dagger was dark, simple but with a strong charm. It was a good dagger.

Seeing the dagger from the rearview mirror, Ross hurriedly stepped on the brake and turned around: "Boss, where did you get this?"

The sudden movement almost lost the other three. Lea and James also noticed the dagger in Harry's hand.

They all knew the system, so Harry didn't want to hide it. "It's a reward for killing zombies!"

Then he threw the dagger to Ross and said, "Master of the dagger, check it for me!"

Ross took the dagger excitedly and pulled it out slowly with a solemn expression.

With a flash of dark cold light, a crisp sound was heard, as if an evil beast had come out of the cage.

Lea and James felt a chill and couldn't help shivering.

"Good dagger! Good dagger! The weight and balance are excellent! The saber is tough and sharp, as good as mine!"

He was so excited that he pulled out his dagger subconsciously.

The two daggers intertwined and hummed as if divine weapons resonated with each other.

"Boss, you are so lucky to get this weapon as good as my heirloom! If you are still in your world before, definitely you will be hunted down!"

Ross laughed and gave the dagger back to Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes at him. Being hunted down was not the kind of luck he wanted.

But now, he could learn martial arts from Ross, and he understood the importance of a good weapon to a warrior. Although the cold weapons of modern technology were all very exquisite, they were still less balanced than the ancient daggers.

To put it more complicated, it lacked some spiritual energy.

Harry had always envied Ross for using a suitable weapon. Now his golden dagger was as good as his, so he didn't have to be jealous of Ross anymore.

"From now on, this dagger will be called Night Tooth!" Harry said happily.

"Congratulations, Harry!" Ross was also happy for Harry. The two laughed.

But Lea and James couldn't understand their enthusiasm for good weapons. It's just a dagger!