Chapter 41 We Need to Fill the Cars

They found Mr. Park and others. They were all tired after such a big day, so they found a safe place to rest.

After dinner, everyone took a rest.

Harry sat next to them, holding Night Tooth tightly and wiping it with a towel over and over again.

Seeing this, Ross laughed. Back then, when he first got his dagger, he also cherished it like gold.

James walked from behind, put his arm around Ross's shoulder, and sat beside Harry.

"It's just a dagger. Look, boss, Harry is so happy. I think in the apocalypse, a gun is more useful!" As he spoke, he held his gun in his arms.

"You know nothing!" Harry and Ross rolled their eyes at him.

James gave an awkward smile and said seriously, "Boss, be serious. Our car is running out of gas!"

Harry was stunned and patted his head.

After having the system, everything went so smoothly that he even forgot such a basic thing! The energy source of the car was gasoline!

They had been driving for so many days, they were lucky that the car didn't run out of gas immediately.

"How much gas is left?"

Although James looked careless, he was careful. He said as if he had counted all his treasures, "The carrying car has 60 percent left, but our battle car has only 10 percent."

"Good job, James. Thank God you've been counting. Otherwise, our car will break down tomorrow. I always thought refit cars had no shortcomings!"

"Ha-ha, boss, you are so humorous!"

"Alpha Dog, search for gas stations nearby! Mark the location of the nearest one!"

"Analyzing Please wait a moment!"

A minute later, the location of a gas station appeared in Harry's Eagle Eyes. It would take them an hour to get there.

"It's not very close. Put some gas from the carrying car into the battle car. We will fill two cars at the gas station tomorrow!"

James nodded and continued, "Check the weapon store. We don't have enough weapons now. There are nine people, but only four guns. If we meet a large-scale zombie group, we can only run away!"

"Do you mean to let Mr. Park and others use guns?"

"Yes!" James nodded solemnly, "If possible, I hope they never get their hands dirty, especially the little girl, Mia. But now we are in the apocalypse, and our enemies are not only zombies... We can't protect them all the time!"

Harry fell into silence. James was right. It was too dangerous without a weapon in this hell. It was impossible for a person without the ability to protect himself to survive in the apocalypse.

"Okay, we'll get some guns after we fill the cars tomorrow. We must make sure that everyone can protect himself!"

James smiled with relief and went to bed.

The next morning, after everyone was dressed up, they set out early.

The armored car sped all the way. With the help of Harry's Eagle Eyes, they did not encounter a large-scaled zombie group. Occasionally, they saw a small group of zombies which were quickly handled.

They soon arrived at the gas station.

This place had already been in ruins, and everywhere they saw was a mess. But the gas station was not damaged, and the oil spear was steadily inserted into the gas machine.

Several zombies were wandering on the square of the gas station, and Alpha Dog didn't find any mutated zombies.

"There's not many zombies. Let's kill them at once! James, you take Jack, Mr. Park, and Mrs. Sally, to fuel the cars. The rest of you go to the gas station with me to search for materials! The fighters are on alert and kill the zombies!"


Everyone agreed. They knew that Harry was doing this for the sake of the team! Now there were only five fighters in the team, including Jack. If the rest couldn't protect themselves, they would face huge troubles in the future.

They held their weapons and entered the gas station carefully.

Those zombies wandering on the square were quickly killed. Harry and James looked at each other and sneaked into the gas station with their team members.

There were broken limbs and blood everywhere. The rotten and bloody smell pervaded the whole oil station, making them want to vomit.

Mia hadn't adapted to the apocalypse. Her face was pale, and she threw up against the wall.

Ross immediately walked up to her and patted her on the back. It seemed that he also liked her very much.

With Ross's protection, Harry felt relieved. He took the others to enter the canteen of the gas station to search for food.

It seemed that someone had already come here, and there were only a few bags of food on the shelf.

Harry didn't mind and threw all of them into his bag.

It was always good to have more food.

The owner of the canteen had turned into a zombie, but he was stuck at the checkout counter. Lea taught Gary how to kill a zombie. After struggling for a while, Gary finally plucked up the courage to stab the owner zombie to death.

Seeing that, Harry praised him with a smile, "You are good with knives. Nice job!"

It was the first time that Gary killed a zombie, so he was still in a daze. Gasping for breath, he smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't expect that my cooking skills can be used to kill a zombie! But the pork is different from a zombie!"

"You've done a good job. Get used to it. You will be a master!" Harry patted on his shoulder and encouraged him.

They quickly picked up the rest of the food and walked out of the canteen.

In the hall, with the encouragement of Ross, Mia finally completed her first killing.

However, even an adult would inevitably feel uncomfortable when he killed a zombie for the first time, let alone a young girl.

She leaned against the wall and vomited again. Standing beside her, Ross kept comforting her in a low voice.

Harry didn't go near them. Anyone who wanted to survive in the apocalypse must go through this test. Fortunately, both Gary and Mia succeeded!

On the other side, Mr. Park and Mrs. Sally also killed zombies. Although they didn't look good, they felt relieved.

The cars had been filled up. James found two big oil barrels somewhere and was about to fill them with some spare oil.

When everything was ready, they immediately drove away from the gas station.

The smell was unpleasant.

In the car, Harry called Alpha Dog to search for guns.

Alpha Dog immediately gave a location, which was a black gun shop.

"In the past, I didn't believe that there was a shop for forcible trafficking in our country!"

James burst into laughter.

He used to be a hooligan on the street. There would be fights, but he never fought with a gun.

"That's great. Let's go and have some fun!" Harry laughed and stepped hard on the accelerator, speeding towards the gun shop.

In the past, Harry was just a common student. How could he have the chance to touch a gun? Now he would not only shop but also rob the gun shop!

Perhaps everyone had a dark corner in their hearts. The dark corner would grow bigger in the apocalypse.

Fortunately, Harry knew how to control his inner demon and wouldn't let the darkness devour him.