Chapter 48 Strange Peace

Harry and his men were quick. In less than an hour, they had emptied the shop.

After counting, they got a total of 12 real guns, more than 1,000 bullets, more than 30 stimulated guns and 3,000 lead bullets.

There were also a dozen of bullet-proof vests and a Nepal army knife for each.

All the guns were chosen by James. He only chose powerful ones. Some useless guns that could not kill a dog were directly thrown away.

After everything was taken away, Harry handed out the bullet-proof vest which could protect them when zombies bit.

After that, they left the shop.

Hearing the fight in the shop, those wandering zombies all gradually gathered here.

Harry didn't want to waste time on them, so he immediately asked the team to run to the armored car with the supplies.

And himself, Ross, and James left to handle the zombies.

They poured the gasoline which they had prepared before on the ground and lit it up as soon as zombies approached.

The blazing flames burnt zombies, and the black smoke billowed them. Soon, they turned into coke and lost their lives.

"Killing one zombie, point +1"

"Killing one zombie, point +1"

"Kill one zombie..."

He got more and more points, but he didn't care about this, still running towards the armored car with Ross and James.

Taking the tentacle zombie into account, Harry had now more than 13,000 points.

And Harry had a plan for all these points.

Others soon got to the car, skillfully putting the guns into the car and starting the engine. They waited for Harry, Ross, and James to retreat.

When Lily and Li saw the armored car, they were shocked again.

What was this team? They even had an armored car.

"Lily, come on in. We've made room for Mr. Li to rest. I'll give him a check-up!"

Lea got off from the carrying car and invited the two to get on.

Regardless of the shock, Lily hurriedly helped her master to get in the car.

Lea was a top student at the Medical University. After a careful examination, she said with a smile,

"Mr. Li was just affected by a huge force. It's fine. He just needs to rest for a few days!"

"Thank you!" Lily breathed a sigh of relief.

The three returned. The battle in the black gun shop took a lot of time, and it was almost dusk now. Harry knew that the mutated zombies would become very dangerous at night, so he immediately ordered the team to move.

On the battle armored car, Harry knocked on his Eagle Eyes and said, "Alpha Dog, search for a safe place. We need rest!"

"HOHO Hotel was 15 kilometers away from here. There are not many zombies around the hotel. It's very good for the team to rest!"

Alpha Dog transmitted the destination to the car screen.

James threw away the cigarette butt and said, "Okay, everyone. Let's go!"

The cars started and drove towards the hotel.

As the sun went we, the golden light enveloped the earth, putting a beautiful coat on the buildings. If it weren't for the broken walls and the roaring zombies, it would have been beautiful.

Two armored cars were speeding on the street. Along the way, some careless zombies were shot to death.

The team needed to improve their fighting capacity urgently. Harry didn't plan to save bullets, so he told everyone to seize every opportunity to practice their marksmanship.

After shooting all the way, when they arrived at the hotel, even the youngest girl, Mia, had learned how to shoot.

The HOHO Hotel was the landmark of the city. It was a thirty-story building, which stood out among other constructions.

The buildings around it were either dilapidated or burnt. Only this hotel was still intact on the devastated ground.

Seeing that they were about to enter the hotel, Harry immediately ordered Alpha Dog to check the situation around the hotel.

"The hotel was almost cleared, and there are only a few ordinary zombies roaming around. Outside the hotel, there is a small group of zombies, but it is far from here, so there will be no danger."

Harry was confused by this answer.

HOHO Hotel was one of few high-end hotels in this city. It was the first choice for rich people to stay here. Normally, there were a lot of people in the hotel, and reservations were needed. The zombie crisis happened so suddenly that there was no time to evacuate.

Theoretically, there should have been a lot of zombies. Now the peace was somewhat strange.

"Has the army cleared this area?"

Ross noticed Harry's confusion and said casually.

Harry nodded, "That's the only explanation. Anyway, I believe Alpha Dog. We had a long journey, and everyone is not in a good condition. Let's go inside and have a good rest!"

"Let's go!" James had no objection to Harry's decision. He rushed into the hotel immediately.

They hid the armored cars in the woods at the entrance of the hotel, and then entered the hotel hall.

There were not many zombies here. In the huge hotel hall, only a few zombies were wandering.

As soon as they smelled the scent of living people, they roared and came to them.

"Four on the left and six on the right. Finish the battle quickly!"

James and Ross rushed out at once.

Having lived in the apocalypse for so long, they no longer took a few zombies seriously. Even James didn't use a gun this time. He was fighting with a Nepal army knife.

Different from Ross and Harry, Jame's knife was a special battle kind, which was sharp and fatal. He flipped the blade in his hand and killed four ordinary zombies in a second.

Lily looked and frowned. James's way of fighting was very familiar to her. She felt that they had met before.

But he was surprisingly fast and strong. If she had fought with him, Lily should have remembered.

"Bastard! You can't withstand a single blow!" James stabbed through the head of the last zombie and laughed arrogantly.

He liked to say "bastard" when he fought, and he would say it almost every time he won. Harry and the others were used to this.

But this word reminded Lily of his identity.

"You are Karl James!"

A shout attracted everyone's attention.

Embarrassed, James scratched his head and said, "I didn't expect you to remember me, a loser."

Lily couldn't believe that the master in front of her was a hooligan who was arrested by her a year ago in Riverside City!

It only took one year for this loser to become such a master! Even Lily was inferior to him in killing zombies.

If they fought now, the outcome might be uncertain!

James spread out his hands and said, "Don't worry, inspector Lily. I've been a good man since I joined the team. I won't do those bad things anymore. Could you please let me go?"

Lily was surprised again and looked at Harry in surprise.

The once shameless hooligan was completely obedient to the young man. Even his personality had completely changed.

Was it because of Harry that he had made such big progress? Who the hell was this young man!