Chapter 49 Flirting with Lily

James showed his respect, and Lily had no reason to pester a former criminal anymore. The two talked for a while and forgot the past.

The lobby had been cleaned up quickly. Harry ordered the team to be divided into three groups.

The first group was led by Ross. They went to the second floor to make several rooms for the team to rest.

The second group was led by James. They came to the kitchen to prepare dinner. They had starved for a day and needed to have some food as soon as possible.

The third group was led by Harry. They patrolled the surrounding area and killed the wandering zombies to ensure safety.

Harry had planned to take Lea with him, but before they set out, Lily suddenly suggested that she should go on patrol instead of Lea.

A weird smile appeared on James's face.

"No wonder Harry is the boss. He is so lucky! Even a beautiful policewoman can't avoid his charm, trying to steal him in front of Lea. Could it become a drama?"

The more James thought about it, the more excited he became. He even wanted to have a bucket of popcorn and waited for the drama.

Of course, Lily didn't think so. She was just curious about Harry and wanted to know more about him to see his ability.

Of course, she couldn't say this. After all, Harry saved her and her master. If she said it so bluntly, it would easily cause Harry's disgust.

"My master is seriously injured. It's so dangerous outside, so I must he must recover as soon as possible. Miss Lea, you are a good doctor. Please help me take care of my master. I will go on patrol!"

Hearing this explanation, Lea could not refute it, so she agreed.

She had a good impression of Li, a righteous old policeman, and she didn't want to see him suffer.

Harry had no objection, too. After all, Lily was a beauty. Who didn't want to spend time with a beauty?

The two took their weapons and left the team, patrolling outside the hotel.

With a submachine gun on her back and a gun in her hands, Lily cautiously looked around.

In the past few days, she had been killing zombies all the time. She knew once one was bitten by a zombie; one would be dead. Several of her comrades had been killed by zombies because of their carelessness.

Unlike her, Harry looked calm in this alien place. He didn't bring a gun with him, only a black dagger. Without any vigilance all the way, he swaggered along the front, occasionally fiddling with his sunglasses, as if he was strolling in his garden.

Lily couldn't understand Harry's calmness, so she told herself it was because of a master's confidence.

The two kept silent all the way and soon came to the back of the hotel.

There was a low wall blocking them.

"Outside the wall is an outdoor parking lot, and there are many cars parked here. Maybe some zombies hid in it. Let's go and check!"

Harry said confidently as if he could see through the wall.

Without waiting for Lily's inquiry, he jumped up low wall quickly.

He turned around and reached out his hand, trying to pull her up.

Seeing his skills, Lily gasped in her heart.

The wall was more than three meters high, but Harry could easily jump on it. It seemed that he was more powerful than James.

Lily didn't act like a shy girl. She kicked her legs and grabbed Harry's hand.

Her plump breasts swayed as she jumped. Harry, who was squatting on the low wall, saw this. He couldn't help but feel hot and almost shed a nosebleed.

They were as big as Lea's!

He coughed and pulled her up.

As Harry expected, there was a small outdoor parking lot behind the low wall.

All kinds of famous cars were there, dazzling!

Seeing these famous cars, Lily, who had been calm all the time, suddenly became excited and quickly ran up to them.

"This is the latest Snow Treasure 107! Only thirty of these were in the entire country. I didn't expect to see it here!"

Lily was a car buff. She liked reading car magazines during her vacation.

But her love for cars was only appreciation, different from those gold diggers who asked the rich to buy them cars.

It was the first time that Harry had seen Lily like a girl, so he was attracted to her. He walked close to her.

"I guess all the people had left, and no one claimed the car. You can drive away if you like!" Harry said as he opened the car door.

Just now, Alpha Dog had checked the car, which showed that it was not locked.

"No way!" Lily shook her head in a hurry and said, "As a policewoman, how can I steal a car? So do you. How can you open the door without permission?"

Harry admired Lily's insistence and smiled awkwardly.

"But since it's open, let me have a look!"

Lily giggled and sat on the driver's seat.

She looked around excitedly. She was a crazy car fan.

"Wow! The latest car 3D artificial intelligence butler can timely report the car condition and road condition. It's made of real leather and feels good. Do you want to touch it?"

Like a child showing off her toy, Lily introduced the car to Harry. She was so excited that her plump chest kept shaking. Harry was dazzled.

When he heard the words 3 and D, he decided to make fun of this girl.

So, he smiled and said, "Touch it? Alright!"

Then he grabbed Lily's boobs.

Seeing Harry's movements, Lily immediately realized that she had lost herself just now. Her words were also seductive. She hurriedly hit Harry's hand and cursed shyly, "Fuck off!"

Harry withdrew his hand and put on a more unrestrained smile: "You look good when you smile. Why do you always pull a long face?"

Then he turned around and left, starting to check the parking lot.

Jokes were jokes, Harry didn't forget his mission. He had developed a deep bond with everyone on the team. He wouldn't allow anyone in danger.

Lily got out of the car slowly and looked at Harry's back, her heart beating fast.

The longer she thought of Harry, the more she felt that he was amazing. In the battle, he was the super warrior, cold-blooded and ruthless, showing no mercy to his enemies. But he was also humorous and warm to his people.

"We have finished the examination here, no zombies. Let's go to the other side!"

Before Lily came to her senses, Harry waved at her and shouted.

Lily came to her senses and blushed.

"What's wrong with me? I fell in love with the man I knew for the first day!"

She shook her head hurriedly and ran to the low wall on the other side.

They patrolled around the hotel and killed three wandering zombies. It was safe now. Harry took Lily back to the hotel.

Gary had prepared dinner for everyone. They sat down and had a good meal.

After the night fell, everyone had a rest. Harry continued to train the battle group to enhance their strength.

Lily looked at them and gasped in her heart: 'Harry was indeed an excellent leader. No wonder they could come through so many difficulties.'