Chapter 54 A Composed Single Rocket Launcher

Then Harry also upgrades several pistols, daggers, and Nepal army knives. The power of these weapons had also increased a lot. Since they had got a lot of weapons from the black gun shop, everyone could have his share.

Looking at the various equipment on the ground, Harry was full of pride. With these exquisite weapons, the strength of the team could be improved a lot. If they were not surrounded, even if they met a battalion, they would not be defeated!

"Wait, how can I just upgrade the weapons? In the apocalypse, the most important thing is to protect ourselves!"

Harry suddenly thought of this question. He patted his head hard and took out more than ten sets of bullet-proof vests from the trolley.

"PE bullet-proof vest, 2.83 kg in net weight, 0.3 square meters in the protected area. Standard gun-proof type: 79, 7.62 mm light-weighted submachine gun, 14.6 in sunken depth."

The Eagle Eyes showed the defensive properties of this vest.

Although most of the weapons sold in the black gun shop were simulated guns, which were not appreciated by a weapon maniac like James, the bullet-proof vests were not bad.

But no matter how excellent they were, these bullet-proof vests were made before the apocalypse. To deal with the current chaotic situation, their defense was far from enough.

Harry immediately began to check the upgraded properties.

"PE bullet-proof vest (upgrade): 1kg in net weight, 0.5 square meters in the protected area. Standard gun-proof type: MWP sniper rifle, 10.3 millimeters in sunken depth. It can greatly weaken the gun impact and increase the cutting damage of sharp weapons."

"Wow! It can defend an ordinary sniper rifle after upgrade!" Harry exclaimed.

In fact, not only that, after the upgrade, the two new attributes were the most important.

The ordinary bullet-proof vests could withstand the bullets so that people wouldn't be shot to death. But if people still had to stand the impact.

Ordinary people who had not received professional training were far weaker than soldiers. If they were shot, even if they wore a bullet-proof vest, they would suffer a lot. People with weaker physical conditions could even pass out.

However, the upgraded bullet-proof vests could greatly weaken the impact, which meant that even an ordinary person would not be injured if hit by a bullet.

What's more, an ordinary bullet-proof vest weighs several kilograms. It's a heavy burden. People who hadn't received any professional training would be exhausted soon.

The upgraded vest was only one kilogram in weight, which was equivalent to two bags of salt. It was not heavy at all.

Many members of Harry's team were ordinary people. This kind of vest was suitable for them!

Without further ado, Harry immediately bought the upgrade cards and began to upgrade the vests.

With these new vests, he didn't have to worry about his teammates all the time!

After a while, Harry spent a total of 2,000 points and finally upgraded all his equipment.

Through the intercom, he informed James and others to get the equipment and distribute the powerful weapons to the team members.

They would stay in the hotel for some days, so it was a good chance for them to improve their strength. Bullets could be bought from the system, so there was no need to worry about the bullets.

Finishing everything, Harry breathed a sigh of relief and lit a cigarette.

"Sir, I have detected that the remaining parts can be composed of a single rocket launcher. Do you want to compose it?"

Suddenly, the voice of Alpha Dog came to his mind.

Surprised and pleased, Harry stood up straight.

"What? The rest of the crap can be combined into a single rocket launcher?"

"Yes, most of the materials used for the upgrade were the restaurant's steel. You didn't use much of your spear!"

Harry was ecstatic and began to browse the systems shop in a hurry.

Compared with ordinary guns, the single rocket launcher was a destructive weapon. He never thought of this.

Unexpectedly, the system was so amazing and invincible.

Before James and others came down, Harry immediately started to upgrade.

Now the situation was chaotic. They might not only face zombies, but also the army. Only by improving the team's strength as soon as possible could they deal with the challenges.

According to the instructions of Alpha Dog, he spent more than 300 points to buy several composed cards.

With a flash of light, the scattered devices on the ground turned into the golden liquid and began to merge, gradually forming a single rocket launcher.

"Completed. Please check!"

Harry hurriedly checked the single rocket launcher on the ground.

RPG-7 single rocket launcher, 40 millimeters in diameter, 3.3 kilograms in net weight, 630 millimeters in length.

It was equipped with three bullets.

The maximum shooting range was 2,000 meters, and it could penetrate 2,000 millimeters of concrete.

Besides, it was equipped with an extra vision goggle.

Harry was overjoyed and observed the single rocket launcher in his hand.

"Because there is a high-precision scope in composition, the accuracy of the RPG-7 is improved. Within the maximum range, the accuracy can be up to 3 meters deviation."

"Oh my God! It's so accurate!" Harry gasped in shock.

RPG weapons had a lot of ammunition, and their accuracy would be greatly reduced if they flew too far. Normally, it was amazing that the maximum shooting range could be limited to a deviation of ten meters. But the upgraded accuracy reached three meters.

This meant that Harry could hit anything within the maximum range of 2,000 meters. The power of the explosion was very strong. Within three meters, even the mutated zombies would be blown into pieces, let alone people.

Once they were targeted by Harry in the shooting range, they could hardly escape!

"Boss, we are here!"

James and others finally came.

Harry gave them all the equipment.

"Come and have a look. I've made a lot of high-level weapons. James, are you happy?"

James didn't get Harry's point at first, but after he tried the upgrade weapons, he jumped excitedly.

"Are these the guns we found before? It's more powerful, and the shooting range is farther. The cartridge capacity is also increased! With these weapons, I think we can break the bridge!"

"Don't be so cocky. No matter how strong one person is, he will be doomed facing many enemies!" Harry rolled his eyes at James.

Embarrassed, James scratched his head and said, "I'm just too excited."

"All right, all right. Go and distribute the weapons to everyone. We should stay here for some days. During this period, James, you must teach everyone to use guns so that their self-protection ability can be improved, including Ross!"

"Got it, boss. Let me handle it." James patted his chest confidently. With such powerful weapons, even a rookie could be trained to be a good shooter in a short time.

After all, the power of the weapon was great, but the recoil was very small. This was already against common sense. With this kind of divine weapons in hand, what the newcomers needed to overcome was their psychology.