Chapter 55 Teach You a Lesson

James hand out the weapons with Ross and bragged about the power of these weapons. Hearing his boast, everyone was confident that if they could skillfully use these weapons, they would be able to survive in the end.

Everyone was under great pressure to survive in this chaotic world. Even under Harry's protection, the members were still in panic. Although they trusted Harry's ability, they all knew that they had to increase their strength.

To survive, one must have enough strength.

Now that they had these weapons, everyone immediately relaxed a lot.

After being excited for a long time, they finally could have a good sleep.

Harry didn't go upstairs with James to deliver the weapons. Instead, he left the hotel with a set of equipment alone.

No matter how powerful a weapon was, one had to learn to use it. Otherwise, a divine weapon would be a piece of scrap metal.

Harry had a strong sense of crisis and decided to get familiar with his weapons as soon as possible.

Fifteen kilometers away from the hotel, he tested the power of pistol, assault rifle, and sniper rifle respectively.

As expected, they were powerful and accurate.

Harry was not so good at using guns. His heroism in the previous battles was due to the physical drinks. But even so, with these excellent weapons, Harry felt that his skills had been improved.

After testing the power of the gun, Harry felt relieved. He picked up the gun and left. Then he began to practice the dagger skill with Night Tooth.

Ross was the teacher who taught Harry martial arts, and Harry had always kept his words in mind: a learner must be diligent and practice martial arts all the time. Therefore, in addition to the regular training, Harry would spare some time to practice more.

He had made rapid progress in the martial arts, thanks to the physical drinks and his diligence.

In the clear night sky, a bright moon was in the sky. In the moonlight, Harry kept waving the ancient dagger, doing the most basic exercises.

He drew the dagger 300 times, waved it 300 times, and practiced the skill 10 times. This was the task that Harry gave himself every day.

After finishing the basic training, he found some zombies to practice the footwork and skills.

It was already midnight after he finished. He took a rest and drove back to the hotel to have a rest.

At this moment, all the members had fallen asleep. They all knew that from tomorrow on, they were going to receive James's special training on shooting skills. They must have a good rest first.

The zombies around the hotel had been wiped out, and everyone got his room.

Harry entered the hotel, he walked quietly for fear of disturbing them.

But as soon as he entered the living room, he found that Lea and Lily had fallen asleep on the sofa.

They were worried about Harry who was alone outside, so they waited here.

There was no reason for them to worry. But even though he was the strongest on the team, they were still worried about him.

Harry was deeply touched by their sweetness. Harry felt so happy to have two beautiful girls caring about him at the end of the world.

He walked quietly to the two and whispered in their ears, "I'm back. Have a good sleep!"

Perhaps they hadn't fallen asleep yet, or perhaps they had heard Harry's words, their knitted eyebrows were relaxed, and they began to dream.

Harry smiled, bent over, and carried Lily back to her room. He even tucked her in.

Although her sleeping face was stable, there were some worries on her eyebrows.

Harry felt sorry for her. As a senior inspector, Lily had always taken the safety of the people as her responsibility. Since the zombie crisis broke out, she had been nervous for so many days. She didn't relax a little until she met Harry.

She was exhausted these days!

Harry reached out his hand and stroked her temples. "Have a good sleep. I'm here. You don't have to work so hard!"

Then he left the room quietly.

Standing in front of the door, Harry took a deep breath. An evil fire was burning in his heart.

When he took Lily back to her room, he touched her soft body. Because of the physical contact, he inevitably felt her chest.

Harry was a man. How could he resist such temptation?

But it was not the right time. Although he could feel that Lily also had a crush on him, this crush was based on his strength and justice. It would take some time for them to get to know each other.

But Harry didn't notice that when he turned around and left the room, Lily suddenly opened her eyes.

She looked at Harry's figure with happiness and contradiction in her eyes. When the door was closed and Harry's voice completely disappeared, Lily sat up carefully.

She reached out and touched her hot cheeks. She felt like a deer was hitting her frozen heart.

At the door, Harry took a deep breath to calm himself down. Then, he came to Lea and was about to take her back to her room.

But when he just picked her up, Lea was awakened by a sound. Her beautiful eyes just met Harry's.

Lea lied in Harry's arms like a kitten. The two were so close that they could feel each other's breath.

The atmosphere was so ambiguous that Lea shyly lowered her head and called in a dreamy voice, "Harry..."

Lea fell in love with this man the day Harry saved her. They were both transmigrators, and they had a sense of familiarity as if they were friends in a foreign place. Harry had taken good care of her these days. How could she not be moved?

She couldn't tell her feelings before, but since Lily joined the team, Lea had understood her feelings. Although she was like a sister to Lily, every time she saw the two together, she couldn't help but feel jealous.

Lea bit her lips and suddenly put her arms around Harry's neck as if she had made up her mind.

Her face was as red as fire.

With such a pitiful look, even Harry have guessed what she was thinking.

What's more, Harry was not stupid. He was a man. He immediately turned around and walked to his room.

"You always tease me like that. Do you think I can stay calm? Today I will teach you a lesson!"

Lea's face turned redder, but she didn't give in. She snorted and said, "I don't know who is going to teach who a lesson!"

Harry chuckled and closed the door.

A shy voice came from the room soon.

Lily, who had opened the door a crack, saw all of this.

Although she had never been in a relationship, she knew what was happening in Harry's room.

The sound that made her blush lasted till midnight.

"Bad guy! Why are you so strong!" Lying on the bed, Lily felt uncomfortable and could only blame Harry.