Chapter 439 All Is Fair in War

"This price is too expensive! All the information about the armor, this is everything that all countries spend!"

"You only have the fragments of the mutated marine creatures. Your research value is very limited. How can you start to bid just because you find it exclusive?"

"Just some pieces of broken limbs, and you want all our research materials. If you catch an alive one, we don't know how much you will ask!"

"We are a country with limited resources. How can we exchange? We can't afford if we sell the whole country, can we?"

Not only Losey but also some other small countries that usually supported the Dragon Kingdom began to complain.

However, they just complained in a low voice.

Seeing their reaction, the senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom smiled.

Although it was the first time for them to see these samples of video screens and mutated marine creatures, they knew why commander Glen put forward such an expensive condition.