Chapter 440 Refusing Help

Hearing the affirmative answer of Glen, Losey and the others were also completely sure about everything. He immediately discussed with the military officer of M country beside him, and then stood up and shouted.

"If you can capture a complete sample of mutated marine creatures, we M country will agree to your request!"

"Of course. To ensure fairness, we also have one condition. I hope the friends of the Dragon Kingdom can agree!"

"They agreed!"

The senior members of various countries present were already surprised by the reply from Glen, but they did not expect that what Losey said made them even more astonished. This kind of term was hard to make a choice even for a country that had been friends with the Dragon Kingdom for many years. M country, which had always been domineering and unreasonable, unexpectedly agreed so easily.

As for the conditions mentioned by Losey later, everyone chose to ignore them automatically.