144: Mr. Wyatt is really good at it (Second update)_1

"Look how heavily it's snowing!"

She laughed.

In the seat in front, a woman held a child who leaned over the back of the seat, unafraid of strangers, babbling at Rae Bennett, with drool at the corner of his mouth, also smiling.

Wyatt Wright asked Rae, "Do you like the snow here?"

Rae nodded, "I do!"

The child waved his hands, "Ya ya!"

Rae took out an unwrapped piece of chocolate from her bag and gave it to the child. The mother said something to the child in their local dialect, probably a word of thanks.

The child couldn't speak yet and only made a couple of sounds.

Rae temporarily forgot about her motion sickness as she watched the snow and played with the child, while Wyatt Wright made a call to Daniel Turner.

"You can start heading this way now."

Daniel asked, "Have you guys boarded the bus to Bridged Town yet?"

"We're on it."

The timing was perfect: Wyatt Wright and Rae Bennett had caught the last bus into the countryside for the day.