Chapter 255: Wyatt Wright behaves and calls darling, Selena Flores confesses out of impulse (First update)_1

Asher Harrington didn't return to Star Delight Mansion until after ten o'clock.

There were lights on in the house. As soon as he opened the door, Selena Flores immediately got up from the sofa, "You're back."

Asher Harrington closed the door, "Didn't I tell you not to wait for me?"

"I don't usually go to sleep that early anyway." Selena Flores had already washed up, and she was wrapped in a coat over her pajamas, "Have you eaten?"


Asher Harrington casually placed the baseball bat on the cabinet in the foyer.

Selena Flores couldn't help but glance at the bat twice, "Where did you go to work?" She was worried that he had gone out to fight.


Selena Flores pressed, "What kind of work? Was it hard?"

"Helping unload goods, not hard."

After he entered, he didn't go into the living room. He stood in the foyer, looking at her by the light, his gaze deep.

He seemed to have something on his mind.

"What's wrong?"

He continued to look at her, "Nothing's wrong."