256: Averi Rivera Died on the Spot (Second Update)_1

The next day was Wednesday, and after work, Rae Bennett drove straight to the venue where the celebration banquet was being held, a high-end "Ming Residence" located in the northern suburb of Osla. Ryan Savage was quite influential, and "Lord of the East Canal" was a big-budget production, so despite it being just a celebration banquet, many prominent figures from the entertainment circle had shown up. It was no wonder that Averi Rivera had thickened her skin to attend alongside the producer, all to rub shoulders and network.

There were quite a few female artists in attendance, many of them dressed to the nines. Rae, being just a voice actress, dressed as inconspicuously as one could get and sat at the same table with a few other voice actors.

A man walked by their table, his gaze lingering on Rae: "Who is this young lady?"

Rae glanced at him and noticed the beer belly; he must be some kind of boss.