Chapter 23 No Parent-Child Relationship

She put down her phone and thought that she could do it. Anyway, this time, after dinner, everyone went on their own, and no one was bothered. She had to explain it to the old man.


Thinking that she would not be urged to marry in the future, she became energetic and quickened the flower arrangement.

But what she didn't know was that almost the same words were played in different rooms of the same house.

But it was Fu Qingyu.

This time, old Mr. Fu wasn't so polite to him. "Did you hear what I said? Remember to go on a blind date for me. Do you hear me?"

Old Mr. Fu roared over the phone.

"Yes." Fu Qingyu had no choice but to put his phone on his shoulder and quickly signed his name on the document. At the same time, he had to distract himself to deal with his father. "It's just a blind date. I've been there last time."

"Have you been there? You haven't seen anyone!"

"It's not my fault. She didn't come, not me!" He retorted impolitely, wondering who on earth Miss Qiao was and why his dad valued her so much.

Was she who was the scheming woman deliberately approaching in their family?

Unfortunately, her plan was doomed to fail.

"No matter what, you must go to the blind date this time. Trust me. You will be absolutely satisfied with the girl this time and won't let you down, understand?" The old man was still chattering.

He sighed silently in his heart, put down the pen, and said seriously, "This is the last time. The last time. If she stands me up again, don't mention the two words 'Miss Qiao' in front of me in the future, okay?"

"Okay, okay, why not? That's a deal. Remember to dress well that day and try to show your most attractive side, okay?" The old man was so worried about his son's marriage.

"Okay, I know." After perfunctorily putting down his phone, he felt a little depressed.

He didn't know who this inexplicable Miss Qiao was. She not only fascinated his dad to death but also dared to stand him up. If it weren't his dad like her, just looking at this disobedient spirit was enough to make him throw her into the cold palace.

For the sake of his dad, he would give her the last chance!

Chen Mo arrived at the hospital with the samples.

This hospital was the most high-end hospital in the city, and the Fu family had also invested in it, so it could be considered the big boss of the hospital.

Therefore, as soon as he got out of the car, he received a warm welcome. Along the way, he specially sent the samples to the identification department.

"Come on, Dr. Lin. These samples are very important. You must find out the result as soon as possible, okay?" The man said to the doctor of the identification department.

Dr. Lin took the samples and nodded cautiously. "Don't worry. Three hours, no, there will be a result in two hours. Please wait a moment."

The man nodded.

Two hours was the fastest way to get the result. Didn't you see that it would take at least twenty-four hours for an ordinary person to make a paternity test?

So, he had to wait patiently.

Dr. Lin took the samples into the samples room and prepared for the basic operation

But suddenly, he felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach.

"Damn it!" He covered his stomach and looked a little embarrassed. Damn Japanese food!

'No, I must find a bathroom!'

He covered his stomach with one hand and pulled a nurse over. "You, Qiao Tingting, right? Keep an eye on these samples and don't let anyone touch them, okay? Wait for me to deal with it!"


Coincidentally, Qiao Tingting happened to work in this hospital, and because of her family background, she was assigned to a relatively idle laboratory.

In the past few days, she had been in a bad mood. She had thought that she could have made a big mistake to make Qiao Xi exhausted. Not to mention that her family was in a mess, she had almost offended the sinner.

In the past two days, she was scolded by her father, Qiao Shengnian, and even didn't have a good face at work.

This time, she was caught. She was about to retort sourly, but when she saw the name on the surface of the samples, her heart skipped a beat.

What did she see? Fu Qingyu? Qiao Yannian?

If she remembered correctly, Qiao Yannian was Qiao Xi's illegal kid, wasn't he? Wasn't Fu Qingyu the CEO's name?

Why were their samples here together? And it was in the paternity test?

Did they want to test the parent-child relationship?

It couldn't be true?

Were the two of them father and son?

She suddenly realized, no wonder she saw Fu Qing Yu and felt familiar with him. the original real relationship was like this!

At the thought of this, she was jealous. 'Qi Xi is an immoral woman. She got pregnant before marriage, but her son's father is still so powerful? For what? She only has a good-looking face. What else could she do?'

Why could she hook up with such a good man, but she dealt with these messy things all day long?

Humph! Father-son relationship, right?

'I won't let you get what you want!'

She rolled her eyes and looked back at Dr. Lin. Before he came, she grabbed the two samples, carefully opened the bags, took out the samples, and then randomly found a hair and stuffed it in.

Then she put it back to its original place and thought proudly, 'Whether you are father and son or not! Anyway, you are definitely not!

'You deserve it. Let Qiao Xi cry to death!'!

She thought viciously, but she didn't expect that Qiao Xi didn't know it. It was Fu Qingyu who did it from beginning to end.

He was the one who should be disappointed.

As soon as she removed the traces, Dr. Lin came back. He looked at the samples and said with a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, I didn't waste time. You, come and help me."


Qiao Tingting's heart was beating fast for fear that he would find out something, but she was relieved when she saw Dr. Lin put the hair into a container.

Well, it seems that my plan has succeeded!

Qiao Xi, let me see how long you can be so arrogant!

Two hours later, in the Fu family's villa.

Fu Qingyu's phone lit up. It was a message from Chen Mo.

He opened it and his face darkened.

Chen Mo said that the result had come out, and he had no blood relationship with Qiao Yannian.

That was to say, the cute and obedient child who looked exactly like his son was not his son.

He was supposed to be happy. After all, no one liked to have a child for no reason. He didn't know why, but this news made him unhappy.

Perhaps, deep in his heart, he had already regarded that obedient and quiet boy as his own child?

Then he shook his head and felt that his idea was ridiculous. They had just known each other for a short time. He couldn't think so just because he looked like his little devil king. He had his parents!

He thought too much!