Chapter 24 One More Word

In the most luxurious and high-end restaurant in the city, Fu Qingyu was still sitting in his seat, quietly watching the screen in his hand.

Chen Mo, his assistant, was a little uneasy because he felt that his boss was not in a good mood since he showed the result to his boss. He could not help wondering if he had done something wrong.

Worried, Fu Qingyu asked without raising his head, "Is she here?"


He frowned and looked at his watch. It was only three minutes away from the appointed time, but Miss Qiao, the lady who was "educated and reasonable" as his dad said, hadn't shown up yet

"Three minutes later. If no one comes, we'll leave."

Chen Mo agreed, "OK!"

Outside the restaurant, Qiao Xi felt that her legs were almost broken. It was true that she went out on time, but she encountered a heavy traffic jam. In order not to be late and save old Mr. Fu's face, she had to get out of the car and walk on two legs.

"Son, be a good boy. There will be delicious food in the dining room." She exhorted him.

Yes, she took her son with her on this blind date.

What she meant was very simple. The other party came for her. If he saw that she was still unemployed with such a big son, he would definitely retreat.

In this way, the other party was not willing to do so, and she could also have a result for old Mr. Fu. It's the best result.

Thinking that she would not be urged to marry in the future, she felt energetic all over and even her legs were not sore.

The last-minute!

Seeing the door of the restaurant was about to open, she tried her best to rush in

"Ouch!" A delicate and affected voice sounded.

Qiao Xi frowned and asked, "Qiao Tingting? Where did you come from?"

'It's so weird. No one came in front of me just now, so... She was trying to blackmail me?'

"Where did I come from? That's where I came out!" Qiao Tingting was angry, "Hey, you hit me. Don't you apologize? And compensate my clothes!"

She was angry and anxious. She had tried her best to date a man she had just hooked up with tonight, but she was interrupted as soon as she came in. The woman was her opponent! How could she not make her angry?

"Clothes? What clothes? Only the cheap clothes worth fifty each on you?" In terms of eloquence, Qiao Xi had never lost.

If Qiao Tingting had a good talk with her, she might have discussed it with her. But what did she say?

She almost pointed at her nose and cursed. Then what else could she say? Just fight back.

"You!" Qiao Tingting got angry, "What cheap clothes? Do you think I'm you? Let me tell you, this is the latest dress by Chanel. It's worth five figures. You pay for it!"

"Five figures? You're kidding. I think fifty for your clothes are enough!" Qiao Xi sneered.

"You, you are so poor. Why do you bring this bastard here? Do you want to catch a rich man? Let me tell you, the people here are not blind and they don't like you!" Qiao Tingting couldn't scold her, but she saw Qiao Yannian at a glance.

Qiao Xi's face darkened, "Shut up! If you talk nonsense again, I'll slap you!"

Qiao Tingting suddenly became complacent, "Then come on. Let me tell you, a bastard is a bastard. Can you get better if you want to find him a cheap father? I tell you, no way!"

Until now, she felt that she had done a good job. She had exchanged their samples. Now, even if Qiao Yannian was really Fu Qingyu's son, he would definitely not be his. Humph, crazy woman!

'Let your son be a bastard all his life!' She thought viciously.

"Apologize!" Qiao Xi walked to her with a long face.

"What? Why?" Qiao Tingting raised her head with contempt, "A bastard with an unknown father deserves..."

Before she could finish her words, she saw Qiao Xi slap her across the face.

She covered her burning face and didn't react for a long time. She stared at her and said, "You, you slap me! How dare you slap me!"

She was spoiled by her parents at home. How could she bear such anger? She immediately stretched out her sharp nails and pounced on the woman and asked the man who was dating her. "Mr. Ge! Catch her! I'm going to beat her to death!"

He stepped forward and walked towards Qiao Xi.

She took a step back cautiously and began to look for a route to retreat.

There was a noise at the door of the restaurant, which made Fu Qingyu, who had been a little unhappy, even more unhappy. "Then what happened?"

Chen Mo looked at it by accident and was stunned. "Sir, sir, that is..."

"What are you talking about? Is Miss Qiao here?"

"No, no, Miss Qiao is at the door?"


As soon as he turned around, he saw that Qiao Xi was standing in the corner, holding Qiao Yannian's hand. A man and a woman were walking towards her with ill intentions.

Weak and helpless.

She was about to be hit.

He was stunned for a moment and then stood up without hesitation. He strode over and said, "Stop!"

Chen Mo was stunned and followed him, "Sir!"

Qiao Xi's mind was racing. She was thinking how much chance she would win if she ran away and what price she would pay if she stayed here.

"Qiao Xi! Let me see where you are going today!"

She pushed Qiao Yannian hard and said, "Run! Go out and call the police!"

He held her arm tightly and shook his head hard.

She was angry and anxious. "Why are you so troublesome?" But she felt warm in her heart, knowing that her child was reluctant to leave her.

But in that case... Forget it. Let's go!

It was just two rubbishes!

She took a deep breath and was about to throw her bag on their heads, trying to kill Qiao Tingting even if she was injured. Suddenly, she heard someone shouting angrily, "Stop!"

The voice sounded familiar.

She was stunned for a moment and reached out a fist in front of her. Her heart sank and she felt that she was going to be beaten.

However, at this moment, a big hand reached out and grabbed the fist. Looking up, Fu Qingyu said with a cold face, "I said stop. Didn't you hear me?"

"Who do you think you are? Why did you ask me to stop?" Mr. Ge shouted, "My girl doesn't like her and gives her a lesson. Where did you come from? Get out of here if you want to live!"

"How arrogant you are!" Fu Qingyu sneered, "How about we have a try?"

Then he slowly rolled up his sleeves, revealing his well-shaped arm muscles.

Mr. Ge felt a little guilty. 'He must be a good fighter. His muscles are firm.'

"Who the hell are you? If you want to stand out, you must see that she has a bastard!" He rolled his eyes and didn't dare to make a move. To put it another way, he still despised her.