Chapter 26 Can You Get Your Hand off Me

When Mr. Ge looked at Qiao Tingting again, he didn't find her charming anymore.

"Honey, why don't you say anything?" Seeing that Fu Qingyu still didn't speak, she thought he was deaf or blind?

'Why didn't you say anything else?'

When she could not smile anymore and couldn't hold on any longer, Fu Qingyu finally said, "I'm not angry. Look at your little face, how can I be angry?" He looked at her with his deep eyes and asked, "Do you think so?"

She almost stopped breathing. God, his eyes were so beautiful.

"Right?" He raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Oh, that's good. I was scared to death." She quickly came to her senses and wanted to move, but she found that he held her tightly.

This, this bastard! Taking advantage of this opportunity?

She wanted to struggle, but she didn't dare to move too much, fearing that others would see through her.

However, Mr. Ge didn't know how to behave. When he saw the two were so close, he wanted to please them again and said, "This is your girlfriend? She is really beautiful. You two are really a match."

Fu Qingyu snorted. Although he knew it was Mr. Ge's nonsense, he was still happy and said, "I don't care about it. Let's contact next time!"

"Yes, yes, we are leaving now."

Noticing that he was impatient, Mr. Ge nodded and bowed, leaving Qiao Tingting alone.

Looking at the way he left and the intimacy between Fu Qingyu and Qiao Xi, Qiao Tingting was really pissed off.

How could she bear such humiliation since she was a spoiled child? She wanted to give Qiao Xi a lesson on impulse.

However, when she just took a step forward, she saw the man suddenly lookup.

Cold, ruthless, condescending. He didn't say a word, but she felt as if she was being stared at by a fierce beast, and her hair stood up all over her body.

The alarm rang all over her body. Being stared at by such terrible eyes, Qiao Tingting did not dare to go further.

Then Fu Qingyu said indifferently, "Get out!"

Qiao Tingting shivered and ran away without hesitation.

It was a subconscious action without thinking. It was the instinct of her body to remind her to stay away from this terrible beast!

When they were completely gone and she couldn't see them anymore, she calmed down and gritted her teeth secretly. "Qiao Xi, wait and see. You will live with a bastard all your life. Even if you marry him, the bastard will still be a bastard!"

Only in this way could she get some balance in her heart and make herself feel better.

As soon as they left, the scene became quiet. Qiao Xi immediately released her hand and was about to leave him.

As a result, she found herself unable to move!

She looked down at the big hand on her waist and then looked up at Fu Qingyu. "Hey, your hand!"

"Oh? What's wrong with my hand?"

"Can you get it off me?" She gritted her teeth and showed a smile on her face, which made him want to tease her.

"Oh? You hug me first? I thought you liked it."

She said word by word, "Thank you. I don't like it now. Can you let me go?"

He put down his arm and didn't put it on her waist. Then he felt a little disappointed.

It seemed that it felt good to hold her?

"Well, thank you very much for this time."

Although she was unwilling, the fact was that he saved her and helped her in the restaurant. Just now, he indirectly helped her hit Qiao Tingting, so she had to thank him anyway.

Yes, she was so scrupulous in separating public from private interests that she didn't bring any water.

With a smile in his eyes, he said, "You're welcome. It's not that important."

"Really?" She widened her eyes. What did that mean? Did it mean that she was no longer important?

What a shameless man! She was pissed off!

When he was about to fight back, a big black dog suddenly jumped out of the night.

"Help! Help!"

As soon as she saw the big dog, she got goosebumps all over her body and jumped on Fu Qingyu without hesitation. "Help! Don't come over!"

As she called for help, she wrapped her whole body around him, trembling, "You, don't come over!"

'Are you afraid of dogs?'

An amuse appeared in Fu Qingyu's eyes. He patted her back gently like coaxing a child and said, "Don't be afraid. The dog has its owner and won't bite people!"

"How do you know?"

Fu Qingyu paused and pointed at her back without saying anything.

She looked back boldly and found that the dog had a chain around its neck. Its owner was staring at them with a chain in his hand.

She blushed.

The man shook his head and walked past them hand in hand with a big dog. She still vaguely heard the man say something like "The moral degeneration of the world is getting worse."

Her face became redder and she stuttered, "I... I'm coming down. You, let me go."

He nodded and let go of her.

Qiao Xi slid down from him and shook her body. With a sad face, she said, "I... I can't stand."

Since she was bitten by a dog when she was a child, she had been scared enough. The shadow in her heart was very heavy, and now it was normal for her feet to be weak because of fear.

Fu Qingyu wrapped her arms around her waist and smelled the fragrance of her body. After smelling enough, he asked, "What about now?"

"I'm feeling better. Let me go." She said with a red face.

'Oh my God! I'm so embarrassed tonight.

Just then, someone called Fu Qingyu.

Seeing the caller ID, Fu Qingyu rubbed between his eyebrows and felt a little distressed. What happened tonight was too sudden. At that time, he had rescued Qiao Xi and didn't notice whether Miss Qiao had come or not. So how could he explain it later?

He picked it up and was about to explain when he heard his dad laughing happily. "What do you think? Am I right? Is she beautiful and cute? I told you that you would like her if you saw her. See? Am I right?"

"Wait, Dad. I haven't seen her." Fu Qingyu explained calmly, "It's too early for you to be happy."

"What? Didn't you see each other tonight? I was very happy when they told me." Said old Mr. Fu.

"What? Tonight, I..." he paused weirdly and said slowly, "You mean Qiao Xi?"

"Yes, her name is Qiao Xi. You said you've never seen her before? Why do you always lie to me? I'm not that old!" old Mr. Fu was unhappy.