Chapter 27 Are You the One on the Blind Date with Me

It turned out that Qiao Xi was the "Miss Qiao" mentioned by old Mr. Fu

Even though Fu Qingyu was famous for his calmness, it took him a few seconds to accept the news. "So, you mean you want me to go on a blind date with Qiao Xi?"

"Yes, she is beautiful, capable, and kind-hearted. I think she is a good match for you at the first sight of her. How do you feel now? They have told me that you were intimate just now, right?" old Mr. Fu said happily.

Because of his poor health, Fu Qingyu's dad was no longer a steward, but it didn't mean that he was not well-informed. On the contrary, a large number of his connections in the company in the early years could bring him all kinds of information.

Of course, he also cared about his son's marriage.

God knew how happy he was when he knew that his son was holding his beloved daughter-in-law intimately. He could almost imagine the birth of his second grandson.

"Dad!" Fu Qingyu rubbed between his eyebrows and said, "I've told you not to let anyone spy on me all the time!"

"I'm not spying on you. I'm concerned about you. Besides, they just mentioned it casually and I heard it. Well, let's not talk about it. You can go on a date now. Don't go back tonight, okay?"

Was he going to send them to bed directly?

Fu Qingyu felt a sharp pain in his head.

After hanging up the phone, he turned around and had a look. He felt something different.

It turned out that she was the woman who was going to have a blind date with him. They were indeed the same person!

But it was amazing that when he knew she was the one who was going to have a blind date, he didn't resist much?


Did she drug him?

He had never had such a strange feeling before.

At the same time, Qiao Xi received the cheering WeChat from old Mr. Fu. "Good. Cheers! I'm very happy!"

"Happy? For what?" She was confused.

Why were his messages so weird?

"He is glad that you and I have a successful blind date." Fu Qingyu came to her and suddenly said.

"What... What did you say?" She widened her eyes in surprise.

He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at her quietly. "What do you think?"

She stared at him and suddenly felt blessed. "You, you don't want to say that you are the person I am going to have a blind date with? Are you the son of old Mr. Fu?"

He nodded and smiled slowly, "Good, you are very smart!"

She widened her eyes and almost thought she was dreaming.

Back in the car, on the way back, Qiao Xi, who had been silent all the time, asked, "So, should we make it clear to your dad now?"

"What do you want to say?"

Looking at his calm face, she couldn't help saying, "Of course, I want to make clear the relationship between us. We are not on good terms at all. We can't be together. How can we have a blind date? Come on. You tell him or I tell him?"

He knew what she said was right, but it was just so strange. Hearing her words, he was inexplicably unhappy. "I can't say it!"

"I think you'd better say it. After all, he is your dad. In this way What? Can't we say it?" She held back what she had planned, "Why?"

"Because my dad is not in good health, and you are the daughter-in-law he thinks highly of, so I can't tell him." He said lightly.

She suddenly sat up straight and asked, "No way!"

"And I think, with my dad's character, even if we tell him, do you think he will give up?" He asked her.


She was speechless. Although she hadn't been with old Mr. Fu for a long time, all signs showed that he was very stubborn and wouldn't give up until he got what he wanted. If she really told him the reason.

He would probably try harder to make a match.

It was better not to say so that they could be closer to each other.

But the problem came again.

"Then we won't deny it? What if he finds out something? He seems to think we are together now." She said with some distress.

"It's very simple. Acting is enough." He said.


"Yes, acting. For example, we just do what we usually do, but we have to pretend to be a couple in front of him."

"Really? But I don't think it's a good idea. What if we are misunderstood..."

She thought for a while and was tempted, but she still refused, "It's not good. If we are misunderstood, won't we have a fake marriage? No, no! I don't want to marry you! No!"

"What? Are you unhappy to marry me?"

She didn't notice the unhappiness in his tone, so she nodded naturally. "Of course, although you are good-looking, you are too bad in character and cold. As your wife, I must get depression. I don't want to die at such a young age!"

"Qiao Xi! If you say one more word, I'll throw you out of the car!"

Fu Qingyu felt that this little woman had a strange ability. She could easily ignite his anger and make him do something against his identity. For example, now he wanted to cover this woman's mouth tightly, and then

Hearing his words, Qiao Xi finally realized what she had said. She quickly covered her mouth and widened her eyes.

He snorted, "I give you two choices. Either you play a couple with me, or you move out!"

"Why?" When she heard that he asked her to move out, she immediately forgot everything and questioned, "You promised I could move in at that time!"

How could she move out of such a good house after only a few days?

"Yes, I promised you to move in, but I didn't say that you could stay forever. What do you think? Do you want to play a couple with me or move out?"

She looked at him angrily. Thinking of her apartment being sold and her money being cheated, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you!"


The smile on his lips flashed, and his expressionless face suddenly looked very lively and attractive. She was stunned before turning her eyes.

Damn it! How could he be so handsome!

It was so annoying!

"Then it's a deal. You must act as my girlfriend when you live in my house until you move out or expose it, understand?"

"But what if someone finds out something wrong? It's not my fault! You know, acting is very difficult!" She quickly came up with an excuse.

"That's your business. I believe you won't expose it!"

"What if you make a mistake?"

"I won't make any mistake. If it is found out by others, it must be your fault!"

"You!" Lame arguments and perverted logic! She glared at him, "I don't believe that you won't be found out by others!"