Chapter 449 Visit the Qiao Family

"Well, you have the nerve to say that now. If you haven't begged me hard, I would never be with you. I'm so stupid. When I was young, so many women liked me, but I actually marry you."

"That's enough. Stop raking up the past, okay? It's meaningless."

"Then what is meaningful? That's what you did. Are you afraid of being talked about? You even cheated on your ex-wife, but now you are afraid of being laughed at? You know what, you are really a joke."

"Shut up, Zhang Rong! Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking about. You married me because I am rich."

"Yes, you are rich. But you are only rich. There is nothing on you that deserves my love. You used to be so successful all because of women. You could do nothing without your ex-wife. Who the hell do you think you are? You are even worse than anyone on the street."

Fu Qingyu and Qiao Xi got out of the car and walked to the door of the Qiao family's villa. They heard the loud sounds of quarrels and smashing.