Chapter 450 Rascal

"Mr. Fu, I."

Fu Qingyu's bluntness apparently made Qiao Shengnian speechless. For a moment, he didn't know how to respond.

On the contrary, Zhang Rong, though keeping silent, clenched her fists and gripped the hem of her clothes, which was a real reaction.

With a faint smile, Qiao Xi said before Fu Qingyu, "Since you two don't know, I'd like to remind you two of what happened."

"This morning, in the hall of the central hospital, Qiao Tingting spoke rudely to me in public and even tore my clothes, which almost made me expose myself in public. I was very angry and asked someone to send Qiao Tingting to the police station. I was ready to sue her for intentional injury and let her learn a lesson."

When she said this, Qiao Shengnian looked unusually calm, while Zhang Rong looked a little unhappy.