The Pyro-sync Colony

"Please, spare me!"



Hellspawn could still hear the cries of death of all the people he killed but he ignored them. He had killed more than enough people, hundreds even, that his sympathy has grown numb. The only thought keeping him sane was the fact that these people committed heinous crimes. Needless to say, Hellspawn had committed atrocious acts as well, and he was well aware that even though he punishes those who are of the same branding as him, he still cannot justify his actions.

"Just keep on running, General Flangour. I'll come to you soon." He said as if on a growl since his throat had been badly damaged. A mouthful of blood escaped his mouth once again but it evaporated as soon as it did so. A night's rest is more than enough for such an injury though, so he didn't mind it that much.

"I've been traversing the universe ever since I got out of the Alcatraz, and yet there's still no sign of that damned bastard." Hellspawn gritted his teeth while sheathing and unsheathing his sword.

With an exhausted expression on his face, he glanced around, admiring the invisible dome that protected the base of the Infernals. This dome blocks the fearless winds that blow around Planet Ylbrughz, it was quite a spectacle.

"I guess I'll stay here for the meantime."

Having decided to rest, Hellspawn stood up and continued his walk. This time, he was heading to the colony of the Pyro-sync Class right behind the base of the Infernals. No one would ask him any questions since he came from the base, he doesn't even need to show his identification card or anything of the sort. As much as he hated to do it, he decided to pose as General Peaceflame since they have the same build and armor. As long as he didn't do anything suspicious, no one will do anything.

Besides, if there were others who wear the same armor as him, then he won't have to use the name of someone as rotten General Peaceflame. That would be the perfect scenario.

The colony of the Pyro-sync Class, just like the base of the Infernals, was covered with an invisible dome but this dome is much more sophisticated than the one at the base. Not only does it block the fearless winds, it also blocks the intense heat from coming inside. After all, Pyro-sync Class still prefers living in normal temperatures. It's the equivalent of how a normal person would want to stay in an airconditioned place instead of an arid one.

With confidence, Hellspawn strode inside the dome, he was greeted by two Pyro-sync Class humans with a salute. To his relief, they were wearing the same armor he was so they didn't ask him any questions. He just nodded without speaking another word and entered in.

The hustle and bustle of the marketplace were instantly noticeable, and the cacophony of indistinct noises made Hellspawn almost cover his ears in annoyance. As someone who had been roaming planets after planets in isolation, he just couldn't get used to the white noise that was ever-present in civilization. Even now, it took all of his being to suppress his urge to scream at people 'quiet' since doing so would just garner him unnecessary attention.

"Hey, hey you!" Someone called towards Hellspawn, causing him to impulsively stop walking. "Yes, you!"

Hellspawn pointed at himself in silence. The voice came from another Pyro-sync Class human of the opposite gender. He was taken aback. He had never conversed with someone of the opposite gender for a few decades now. His heart started to quicken, and he didn't know how to answer the lady that called out to him.

In the end, not a word came out of his mouth and he continued walking straight, ignoring the lady. Even though the lady had one of the rarest traits a Pyro-sync Class could have— the flame locks (hair made out of flames)— Hellspawn didn't as much as bat an eye towards her. This infuriated her quite a bit. She went as far as to call out to him and yet he didn't speak a single word? Even an excuse me or an I'm sorry would've sufficed.

"Hey! Wait a second!" The lady stepped out of her stall, grabbing Hellspawn by his arms. "I called out to you, couldn't you at least respond?"

"Unhand me, woman." Hellspawn said with a biting tone. He didn't mean it as an insult but the lady took it as a stab through the heart.

"Woman? Who are you calling woman? I have a name and it is Helena!" The woman said.

"Helena? How dare you use such a pure and angelic name! Begone before I shower you with water." Hellspawn said. His mind didn't even think of the possibility that the name of the lady was indeed Helena. (The phrase shower you with water is the equivalent of the phrase 'burn you to death' in Pyro-sync's colloquial language.)

"But that is my name! How dare you insult and compliment my name at the same time... y-you, you piece of trash!" The lady exclaimed.

'Haah~ here we go again. Me and my short temper.' Helena said to herself, biting her lips. The reason why she called out to Hellspawn was that she wanted to at least sell a couple of skewers during her shift. Who would've thought that calling out to him would end so badly?

As for Hellspawn, he immediately stopped short as the lady who calls herself Helena began stirring quite a commotion. Since he wanted to maintain a low profile, he decided to appease the lady by talking to her for a bit, and hopefully, it would clear the misunderstanding. It's not like he disliked the lady, in fact, he found her prepossessing. He only wanted to quietly stay the night in the colony and leave the next day.

"Sigh~ what is it that you want?" Hellspawn finally conceded, drooping his shoulders to show that he didn't mean any harm.

With that, Helena's face lit up, and got back to her stall. "Would you like to have a taste of these meat skewers? They're made out of FireWolves, quite a delicacy, I may say."

"You giving it to me for free?"

"O'course not!" Helena slightly raised her voice, finding Hellspawn a bit amusing.

"I see. Well then, I'll be on my way."


"What is it this time?"

"I'll give you one for free, and then... can you buy a few skewers... please?" Helena pleaded for the last time, lowering her head and looking up at Hellspawn with her phoenix-like eyes and a gaze that can mesmerize any man.