For a Night

"Let me make myself clear, woman, I only bought the skewers out of goodwill. It's not like I find it rather tasty, nothing like that. Also, I treat this as charity work after you've begged me multiple times to purchase these." Hellspawn lengthily denied the deliciousness of the skewers even though he had already eaten more than a dozen of them. He didn't have any problems with money since he raided the Infernals base a few minutes ago.

"It's Helena, not woman." Helena clarified once more. "And you are?"

"I go by the name of H'valla." Hellspawn said, not daring to give his name since that would bring about panic in the colony. What would Helena say if she were to realize that she was conversing with a high-profile criminal? She'd probably bang her head on the wall, or drop her jaws to the ground.

"Well then, H'valla, thank you so much for trying out the skewers. I hope you spread the word to your friends or companions. I haven't sold a single skewer in hours, you know, sigh~" She continued. "To be honest, this is my first time working at a skewer stall. My uncle gave me this part-time job after I failed the entrance exam to a prestigious school. I did get into a decent school, but I decided to earn some money since the tuition was a bit high. If only I'd gotten into that school and obtained my scholarship. That's why! It will truly help me a lot if you were to tell everyone that I cook delicious skewers!"

"I am merely a traveler. I have no friends or companions. That said, I can't help you with your endeavors, H-Helena. And you're quite a chatterbox, aren't you? Do you really have to tell a stranger all those details about your life?"

"I... I have no friends. Besides! We've already exchanged names! That's more than enough proof that we at least know each other. Even if you don't treat me as a friend then we're acquaintances in the least." Helena said.

"If that's what you assume, then so be it. I'll take another dozen." Hellspawn said.

"Thank you for your patronage!" Helena was back to her usual cheerful self behind the stall when Hellspawn bought more skewers from her.

"Well then, I'll be on my way." Hellspawn waved a hand in an awkward manner before turning around to head deeper into the colony. Now that he's got some food in his system, he decided to search for an inn wherein he could stay for the day.

"Will you be back tomorrow?" Helena leaned on her stall so she could get another glimpse of Hellspawn's back. This was the first time she ever had a confidant, even though the confidant was indifferent to her in more ways than one.

"No promises, thanks for the grub." Hellspawn waved his hand a second time. He didn't dare look back because he had already become a victim to Helena's mesmerizing, almost hypnotic, gaze.

"Mhmph~" Helena pouted before she got back to work. Although Hellspawn was quite reserved, he was able to leave an impression on Helena.


"Make that two nights," At first, Hellspawn decided to stay in the inn for the night, but he figured that he needed more rest so he can tend to his injuries. That's why he opted to stay in the inn for two days and no more than that. Right now, the authorities are desperately searching for him in every nook and cranny of the universe and it won't be long before a tip-off gets to the Main Earth. That's why he made it an ironclad rule to spend a maximum of two days in one location. He was the very essence of a nomad, except the whole universe is his desert.

"That would be in room one, sir. Do you have any luggage?" The Pyro-sync Class woman behind the counter asked. Unlike Helena, she didn't have any flame locks.

"Not much, I can bring them myself."

Upon handing his change, the woman bowed down, wishing Hellspawn a nice stay at the Inn. A quick nod, and then Hellspawn headed upstairs where his room was located.

It was a normal room, with a study table, a small cabinet, and a bed with fresh sheets and a pillow. He immediately removed his armor and settled on the bed. Inspecting the list of items in his plastic bag (he stopped by a local store before heading to the inn), he realized that he forgot to get some disinfectant for his wounds.

"Sigh~" He uttered, standing up once more, wearing his armor, and heading out a second time.



On the way back from the local store, Hellspawn suddenly stopped short in his tracks upon noticing a familiar face. However, his awkward movement made the other party notice him in a flash. "Oh, are you staying at this inn?" Helena asked, waving towards Hellspawn. Her eyes say that she was glad to see him again.

"Yes, for two nights," Hellspawn replied after clearing his throat.

"Oh, my aunt owns this place. She lets me help with the food from time to time. Come in, I'll cook you a meal." Helena offered, linking her arms with his and pulling him inside. Hellspawn stiffened, but he didn't struggle since he didn't dislike Helena's company at all.

Besides, he hasn't had a meal.

Apparently, the dining area was just behind the wooden door by the far right side of the reception area. There, guests in the inn would come down for a meal, of course, if they didn't want their meal delivered upstairs. Hellspawn chose one of the corner tables and sat down on the edge of the room. There was no way he'd interact with the other people in the inn.

"Here you go," Helena proudly said. "It's on the house, but leave some for me. I still haven't eaten."

Hellspawn nodded, staring at the pile of meat skewers on the table. 'Meat skewers? Again?' He asked himself but he didn't outwardly complain.