A Prelude

"Back to the topic," Dmitri twirled his thumbs before turning around. He then placed his hands behind him and slowly walked inside his complex.

Lev and Titania were awed at the sheer size of the place, which appeared even more prominent when they stepped on the stairways that led to the front doors— two thick blokes of glass that swung automatically. One glance and Lev could tell the doors were more than bulletproof, as expected of one of the wealthiest men on Main Earth.

As they entered, rows of men and women dressed in suits simultaneously bowed toward Dmitri. In response, Dmitri casually waved them off, and they went about their daily duties without uttering a single word.

"So the Council started targeting you, huh," Dmitri mumbled. "They're finally making their move."

"What do you mean?"

"Pietrus Lev, you really can't remember who you are? I thought you were joking back then since you didn't trust me." An expression of disbelief was written all over Dmitri's face. "So far, what else do you remember?"

"I did remember training with my grandfather when I was a kid and eating a meal with my grandparents. I couldn't remember my parent's faces though." Lev explained. But then again, his grandparents and childhood friend resembled the ones he had in his previous life so it's best to assume that his parents look the same as well.

"That's about it, huh." Dmitri sighed for the umpteenth time. Albeit happy that he once again was reunited with his friend, he couldn't believe that the precious memories they had together were gone just like that.

"Look, let me just tell you this, Lev." Dmitri began. "We don't have time, we have to gather everyone. The Council's up to no good just like what your grandfather predicted and now they're openly showing their true colors."

Dmitri spoke with great urgency in his voice but Lev still had no idea why. Of course, it was weird that the Council was going to arrest them for treason even though they haven't done anything. Or maybe he did something before he joined the expedition team, and it was his fault that he couldn't remember anything.

"Gather everyone? What are you talking about?" Lev asked.

"Us, our team! Oh wait, you don't remember anything, huh. In any case, leave it to me. I'll slowly tell you everything until you remember. Now off we go, we don't have time to dilly-dally." He gestured towards the door before walking out.

"Where are we going?"

"Where else? We're going to Tartarus, of course!" Dmitri pointed out as if it was common knowledge. A spark in his eyes was evident, and one could tell that he was really looking forward to the trip.

"What?!" Lev exclaimed.

"Come to think of it... this is also my space cruiser's twenty-fifth voyage. To think it coincidentally lined up with this mission... is this a sign that something good will happen, or maybe the opposite?" Although what Dmitri was saying was just as serious, the excitement in his voice didn't dwindle. For once, Lev was confused as to why he's got such a quirky friend.


Captain Zed uneasily paced back and forth the space cruiser, awaiting the good news that his assistant would relay. Even though he doesn't like the new recruit one bit, he was somewhat interested in his skills and instincts, especially with how he carried himself out during his very first expedition mission. He wondered if it has got anything to do with his physique that didn't match his class at all.

"Sir!" Assistant Captain Benedict rushed towards the control area of Space Cruise Upsilon-Chi.

"What is it? Are they done with their registration? If so, then tell them to board the Space Cruise immediately. We're being sent by the Council to Tartarus before sunrise." Captain Zed explained in detail even before Benedict delivered the news.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid Lev and Titania won't be joining us in our mission," Benedict muttered. "I'm sure there was a misunderstanding but they were arrested for treason."

"Treason, you say?" Captain Zed couldn't believe his ears. If there was someone who should arrest Lev for treason, then it should be him. Lev smashed a strategy table on his head after all. If that wasn't treason then he doesn't know what is!

"Yes, but I don't understand... how can the Council come to that conclusion? I know my friend, and he would never commit any crime. I'm sure the Council is just taking precautionary measures due to the influx of unregistered migrants." Benedict heaved a sigh.

"The entire scenario seems quite odd as well. How could Lev not be registered in the Main Council database? He applied as a recruit, right? There's no way he got accepted as an unregistered person."

"That rubs me the wrong way as well. Perhaps... something else is happening behind the scenes. We can only assume that the Council might be planning something." As much as Benedict hated to admit it, he couldn't help but be suspicious of the Council itself.

"Ssh! Don't mention something so foolish! If someone were to hear you, they'd brand you as a traitor as well." Captain Zed hissed. "In any case, there's nothing we could do about this situation. For now, let's get this voyage out of the way. The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can return home."

Since Captain Zed and Assistant Captain Benedict stayed cooped up in the space cruise, they didn't bother checking the news. That's why the only detail they knew about Lev and Titania was that they were branded as traitors and an arrest was in progress. Unbeknownst to them, though, Lev and Titania were able to escape the arrest, thanks to a third party's aid. They weren't even aware that a commotion ensued right by the ground floor of the Council Headquarters. And right now, Lev and Titania were readying themselves for the exact voyage that Captain Zed and the others will undergo.

Onto Tartarus.