
Location— Tartarus Star System UE 5.67462 Outer Sector

A space cruise of white and cerulean color streaked through the outer sector of the Tartarus Star System, disregarding the intense heat that encompassed it. The space cruise, a model VZ-EZ Starlight Streamer, is one of the most expensive space cruisers to ever exist. It should not be that surprising that Dmitri owned one model, considering that he owns one of the biggest companies on Main Earth— Ionari Company.

The Starlight Streamer zipped through Tartarus Star System as if it were any other star system. There were no signs of melting, nor overheating on its surface, thanks to its specialized coating invented by a certain Pyro-sync Class human— Y'hullv Melkarvo.

"We're here... which planet do we go to?" Lev asked. Of course, it was a valid question since the Tartarus Star System is an entire galaxy. Who knows where they'd go and whom they'd meet. Even Dmitri hasn't disclosed such information yet.

Unbeknownst t Lev, Dmitri was actually enjoying everything up to that point. He just met a good friend of his after a few years and now they're traveling through space together, just like they promised before. Although Lev couldn't remember the past, Dmitri can and he intended to cover that department until Lev regains his memory. For now, however, he didn't want to give him too much information so he kept most of the information about the voyage to himself. It wouldn't be satisfactory if Lev suddenly goes on a rampage after he learned about a piece of certain information. 'I'll tell him when we get there.' Dmitri said to himself before answering Lev's question.

"We're going to a planet called Ylbrughz of IO 2.54673. This planet is a goldilocks planet, but it is just as hot as the average temperature here in Tartarus." Dmitri explained.

"And why are we going there? Out of all the planets here in this Star System? Do you have a lead? And also, why did we stop following Space Cruiser Zero-One-Zero-Five? I thought we were going to follow them all the way?" Lev brought up another question. And well, it was his job to be probing. After all, some random guy he could barely remember is taking him on a trip in space.

"Because they're going the wrong way," Dmitri answered a matter of factly. "The reason why we're going to Planet Ylbrughz is that I believe... the person we're looking for is there. I mean, I am only fairly certain, not absolutely sure."

Dmitri grabbed a portable tablet from his drawer. It looked like a transparent memory card, only two hundred times larger. Without hesitation, he threw the tablet toward Hajime. "You know my line of work, right? Or at least you have the gist of what I do, right?"

Lev nodded.

"In my line of work, it is normal for me to look out for... let's say, certain inconsistencies. Why? Because that's the secret to my success! Grabbing an opportunity before anyone sees it as an opportunity. That's why I always keep track of weird 'going-ons' all throughout the universe. Be it the sudden dip in gravity within a certain system? Or a mysterious disappearance of a normal person on Main Earth. Believe me, those things are more than meets the eye, and that's what kept my business way ahead of its time."

"Novel ingenuity, huh. That's actually pretty cool. So... how do you exactly keep track of these inconsistencies?"

"I have connections, and they supply me with information, most of them worthless, but I pay them anyway. If I run out of inconsistency reports, I look at the HIVE, there, I look up unpopular news that occurred recently."

"And that is how I came to the conclusion that the guy we're looking for is in Ylbrughz," Dmitri said, gesturing for Lev to take a look at the inconsistency report on the tablet handed to him.

"A couple of days ago," Dmitri started explaining while Hajime scanned the report. "Someone gave me that report. It was about a certain base here, which is owned by Infernals— Pyro-sync Class humans who are assigned on guard duty, in layman's terms. Other Infernals' base suddenly lost contact with this base for some unknown reason. They thought that it might just be a comms failure but I concluded otherwise. Up to the present, the other Infernals' base still couldn't get in touch with the base in Planet Ylbrughz. Something fishy, right?"

"That's why we're going there. He should be there, my instincts have never failed me throughout these years." Dmitri said as if muttering a prayer.

The aforementioned planet loomed nearer as the Starlight Streamer approached it. Dmitri then explained how the Pyro-sync Class humans that lived in the settlement there aren't welcoming to classes aside from theirs, and that they should wear specialized Pyro-sync Class armor so no one would notice that they were of a different class. This way no one would ask them questions.

As an added safety measure as well, Starlight Streamer touched down a few kilometers from where the settlement was. The three of them then rode a rover on their way to the settlement.

Even after wearing a specialized suit that could negate heat, and wearing the Pyro-sync Class armor on top of it, the three of them still felt the heat emanating from the planet. They already felt thirsty a few seconds into the ride.

"There, that's the settlement, haah~ haah~" Dmitri panted like a rabid dog due to the scorching heat.

"Wow!" Lev exclaimed. This was his first time seeing a settlement on a remote planet in the universe. The emotion he felt was indescribable, it was akin to finding another new series to watch, or finding a good book in the library.

There were two guards standing by the entrance of the settlement. Dmitri knew that it was standard procedure for them to ask for any IDs, but to their surprise, the guards didn't ask them anything. They just nodded along and gestured that they were free to come inside. Unbeknownst to them, the guards noticed that they were riding such an expensive rover. 'They must be from a wealthy family, let's not offend them.' Was what occurred in their minds so they didn't bother checking their IDs.

"Um... that was weird, but at least we've infiltrated the settlement! Mission partly accomplished." Dmitri said, pumping a fist in the air.

"Excuse me, um, young sir?" Someone asked from behind Dmitri. It was a woman, with flame locks on her hair.